Chapter 39

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Previously on Taking Chances 

A guitar is placed on the opposite side of the room that the closet is on.By the time I have finished my new room, it’s already five o’clock.

My stomach growls and I’m super tired.I look over at the guitar and I frown . 

I bought the guitar because I thought Niall. Which is stupid. I shouldn’t be thinking of Niall, but when I saw it, I immediately thought of him.


"You play guitar?” I giggle, settled on Niall’s bed.

“Yes. Why is that so funny?” He smiles, pulling the guitar off of his lap and climbing on top of me.

“I thought you would play like an electric guitar not an acoustic guitar.” I trail my finger along his jaw line.

“Well, that’s why you never judge a book by its cover love.” He leans down to kiss me. My stomach erupts with butterflies when he calls me love.

*end of flashback*

I blink my eyes back into reality and I blink away some tears as well. I miss him. I miss Niall.


No, stop it Jade. You don’t need him at all. You don’t miss him. My subconscious mocks me. I need to stop thinking about him.

He ruined me, he destroyed me, he ripped out my heart and watched me die. Not literally of course. But I can’t help but feel deep down that spark that Niall lights up inside of me.

He’s my only source of living and breathing. I can’t function without him. I’ve been so lost the past week and I need him. But I can’t just go crawling back to him after what he did to me. That is unforgivable. For all I know he could be laughing at me and fucking Alex or the whole female population.

I just need to move on. Forget about him. Even though I know I can’t. I can’t forget about him. I can’t forget about his smile, his dimples or his eyes.

Those eyes, they are electric blue and deep like the ocean blue. The one thing that still is a mystery to me is how his eyes change color according to his mood. If he’s happy or in a good mood his eyes are a lighter shade of blue and when he’s angry or in a bad mood they are darker shade of blue with specks of black around the irises. I could look into his eyes all day. Same goes with his smile or smirk that stupid smirk that annoys me so much, but I love so much. I’m so in love with him and it’s not good.

Not good at all. I should hate him after all the shit he has put me through but I can’t seem to express the hatred towards him.

My phone rings from on my bed and I’m shaken out of thoughts. WOW, speak of the fucking devil. Unknown flashes across my screen and I know who exactly it is. I quickly press answer before I realize what I’m doing.

I need to hear his voice.

“Jade? Oh my god, you answered! Babe, babe listen to me, I need to see you. I’ve been a wreck the past week and I need you. Bloody hell I need you.” He rants in the phone.

I have so desperately have wanted to say this to me but I can’t get pulled back in.

“Cut the bullshit Niall. Stop fucking with me.” I snap.

“It’s not bullshit Jade, I miss you. I need you. You were only thing that was good in my life. You made me better.”

“I made you better? Just stop.” I breathe and I ignore the tears that are running down my face.

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