Chapter 43

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I know it’s not them, they would have just entered the door without ringing the doorbell.

What if it’s my dad? What if he is actually back? Fear itches inside of me when I quickly walk to the door.

I look through the peep hole and the hallway is empty, I open the door and look around. No one.

“Hello?” No reply. I’m about to close the door when an envelope below my feet catches my eye. I crotch down and scoop up the package and I flip it around in my hands. What the hell is this?

The front has a neatly written Jade x on it.

I stand up and go back inside. My thumb runs over a small bump on it. That just increases my curiosity. Seriously what the hell is this? I walk inside my room and take a seat on my bed and I fumble around with the envelope. Who left this? And what is it? I finally stop thinking and I tear open the envelope. Inside is a letter and a necklace.

I pull out the paper first and I carefully unfold it and read it.

Although it hurts, I’ll be the first to say I was wrong, oh I know I’m probably much too late to try and apologize for my mistakes but I just want you to know…

My brows furrow together and at first I’m confused but then I realize it. Although he tried to write this as neatly as possible it was still sloppy. Why did he write this? Was he just here? He wants me to know what? I push all my questions away and I pull out the chain and a ring is attached to it, hanging there.

Examining the ring, I noticed something is written on the inside of the silver band. I look more closely and I see you are my light xN is engraved neatly around the band. My breath hitches in my throat and I can’t seem to breathe.

Niall did this? Okay jade breathe, just breathe. I wipe away the tears with the pad of my hand. Taking a deep breath, I calm myself down.

Ugh why am I so confused?

I should want to kick Niall in his face not kiss his face. But.. I love him no matter what. But he embarrassed me, lied to me, took a video of us having sex and sent it to someone. That is disgusting. But he’s trying so hard to be good and trying to get me back. As much as I want to hate his guts, I know that I love him and that won’t ever change. I place the paper back in the envelope and I put it inside my bedside table drawer.

The letter confuses me a whole lot, and I can’t get over the fact that Niall did this, he wrote me it and he got me this necklace. It’s such a charming gift and it already means so much to me. Unlocking the chain I rope it around my neck and relock it to fit.

It hangs just above my breasts and the ring is simple yet meaningful. My fingertips trace around the band and over the engraving on the inside.

You are my light xN.

I smile at the thought that he thinks I’m his light. That I make him be better. He’s the dark and I bring out his light.

At that moment I realize how much I miss him and how much I need him.

“Bitch! We are here!” I hear Addison yell and a bunch of footsteps are heard.

“Where’s the food?” Harry whines.

“Where the hell do you think the food is? In the bathroom? God bloody idiot Harry.” Louis says sarcastic. I sometimes forget how thick is accent is.

“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, you wanker.” Harry laughs, causing Louis to also burst out in laughter.

“Jade?” Addison calls, lightly tapping her knuckles on the door.

“Just a sec!” I call out. I quickly shut my drawer closed and I tuck my necklace into my shirt.

“Coming!” I wipe away the tears that somehow managed to escape out of my eyes.

“Well hello!” Addison pulls me into one of her hugs. “Hello.” I smile into her shoulder.

“How are you this fine morning?” She asks, leading me to the kitchen. The guys are already sat down at the table, shoveling their faces with food

. “You couldn’t wait until we joined you?” Addison snaps.

“Nope.” Harry muffled. “Assholes.” I breathed, helping myself to the buffet of food. “We heard that!”

“Good!” I winked at them. Addison and I both sit across from the boys.

“Good food!” Louis praises me. “Thank you.” I smile, sipping on my coffee. “So Jade, how do you feel about having a party?” Addison asks calmly.

“A party? Here? Why?” I raise my eyebrow at her. “A little house warming party! It’ll be fun! I’ll take care of everything! Please! Oh please.” “If you want to have a party so bad, throw it at your place!” I’m not sure throwing a party is the best idea.

“Because, I’m in the middle of moving.” I totally forgot that Addison is moving in with Louis. They literally are perfect with each other. “Ugh, fuck you. Fine.” I groan.

“Yay! After we are done eating, Harry, Louis and I will leave, get ready, pick up the stuff for party and we will be right back to help set up. You’ll order da pizza and get the music hooked up Hide anything valuable. Harry will send the texts, letting everyone know that Jade Montgomery is throwing a kick ass party!” Addison chirps, swallowing the last of her pancakes.

“Okay! Let’s go boys!” “Bye Jade!” They say goodbye letting the front door slam and leaving me a pile of crap to clean up. “You assholes!” I yell, hoping they heard me.

*** After an hour and a half of cleaning dishes and cleaning up my apartment, I quickly take a shower and hide all my valuables. Thank god there’s a lock on my door. I would not like gross substances on my bed.

My phone chimes on the top of my dresser and I see Luke texted me.

From: Luke

Hey jade J do you want to grab some lunch later? X

To Luke:

Sorry, I can’t L But I’m throwing a party later today! Do you want to come? J

From: Luke

SureJ Address?

After sending him my address, we just start texting about random stuff. Trying to get to know each other again.

From: Luke

I got to go babe L Need to run some errands. See you later J xx

To: Luke

Bye J See you love xx

I turn off my phone and set it on my bed, beside me.

Maybe I should forget about Niall and remember Luke.


Yo what is up my fellas from somewhere. I hoope you liek this chapter the next will be exicting and maybe some Blonde dude named niall will show up????????? You guys are the bestest westest. I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH AND THANK YOU FOR BEING SO PATIENT!!!


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