Chapter 30

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HELLO! What the hell was up with the wattpad shut down? That was wierd... But here is the chapter like i promised! I'll be updating Friday! :)


xoxo Halley xoxo



I exit the bathroom and I walk towards the bedroom, clenching the towel around my body tightly.

I make it inside the room, and I plug in my hair dryer and I blow dry my hair, getting that out of the way. As I finish, I mentally decide what I’m going to wear today.

And I quickly find the outfit in my bag. Pulling out a pair of high waisted denim jeans, a gray short sleeved shirt with a big white and yellow daisy in the center of the shirt, and a cream colored cardigan.

I change into the outfit and do my makeup. I finish getting ready, and Niall is still not out of the shower, and he says I take a long time getting ready.

Boys take longer than girls I swear. I

slip on my tan combat boots and I grab my bag.

“Niall?” I knock on the bathroom door. “Just a sec.” “Niall I’ll be back. I’m going to get some Starbucks.” “Okay, get me something babe.” "Sure thing.” I smile and walk to the door.

*** “Oh, turn this up I love this song! ” Niall beams, moving his head to the beat of the song coming from the car stereo.

We’ve been on the road for 2 hours or so and it’s been exciting. We are almost there.

 I comply with his request and turn up the volume a little bit higher than it was before. He sings along to the lyrics and his voice just makes the song ten times better than it originally was.

“So why are we traveling three hours to a place probably full of pot heads for some dumb records, where you could find some cheap ones on like amazon or some shit.” Niall turns down the music.

“ Because this place is really cool, my grandma took me there once when I was 16. They have really good records there. So stop your complaining, you should be glad Harry didn’t drive me.” I blurt. Fuck, why did I say that.

“Jade.” Niall says coldly.

“Sorry, sorry it slipped out.”

“Just shut up.” He mutters. Okay, rude.

He turns the music really loud, and dumb heavy metal song comes on and explodes in my ears.

What the hell is this shit? “Could you turn it down?”

“Nope. My car, my stereo, my volume.” He responds bluntly. Okay, really rude. “We are here anyways.” He slams the car in park.

I look out the window and I noticed nothing’s changed. It’s a small little store, with big windows in the front and it looks small but inside it’s huge.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and slam my door, not even waiting for Niall.

I open the door, and I’m greeted with the smell of old booze and cigarettes. The walls are covered in posters and there aisles and aisles of racks, and records are filling each one. There are two checkout stands and there are racks of CDs right next to them.

“Jade? Jade Montgomery? Is that you?” An older gentleman says. He puts down a hand full of records and walks to me.

“Oh my! It is you!” He wraps his arms around me. Do I know this guy? I think, and then a light bulb goes off in my head.

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