Chapter 24

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I sign and take my bag inside. I crumple up the note and toss it in the trash.  My phone buzzes on my bedside table and I swipe the screen.

A gasp leaves my mouth when I stare at the background picture. It’s of me and Niall, when we were at the Chinese Restaurant, he’s kissing my cheek and my eyes are shut tight. He must’ve changed my background. I rub my eyes and I look at the 1 new message. I open it up and I see it’s from Harry.

From: Harry

Hey Jade, are you free? Would you like to go to a movie with me? I’m lonely :(

To: Harry

I would love to! Pick me up in 10 yeah?

Moments later I get a reply.

To: Harry

You got it! See you in 10 love :)

As quickly as I could I slipped on a mix knit tight red sweater, a black skater skirt, and some tan lace up oxfords. I brushed my hair out, I didn’t have time to curl it so I left it natural. I coated my lashes with mascara and I added a dark line of eyeliner to my upper lid. I swiped some dark red lipstick on my lips and popped my lips, just like any girl would do. I spray my favorite perfume all over my body and I grab my bag. I

lock my door and I head outside to meet Harry.

*** “That movie was awesome!” Harry exclaims when we emerge from the theater. “Yeah, it was freaky though.” I sign. “Do you know it’s a true story, you need to have someone protect you from those demons, someone strong.” He flexes his arms. “How can I find someone that strong?” I look around. “Oh shut up.” He laughs. “Well, thanks for taking me.” “My pleasure.” Harry smiles, attaching his arm around my shoulder. I quickly shake him off me. “I’m still dating Niall. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay. My fault. Um, here let’s go.” He leads me straight to his car. He starts the car and we peel out of the parking lot. “I had a lot of fun. Thank you so much for taking me.” I break the silence. “Like I said, it was my pleasure. Before I forget, are you coming to the Halloween party?” “I was just thinking about that! Yeah, I want to go. It seems fun. What should I be?” “A sexy cat. Or a sexy nurse.” Harry chuckles. “Yeah, no. What are you going to be?” “Um, I’m going to be firefighter this year.” “That’s nice, why a firefighter?” “You’ll see.” He smirks.  The car comes to a stop and I look out the window. Well, that was quick. “Thank you again Harry.” ‘No problem.” He leans closer to me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. “Night Jade.” “Night Harold.” I laugh, opening the door. He backs out of the lot and he disappears into the night.

Unlocking my door, I turn on my lights before I trip over something. I change into oversized t-shirt and I shut off the light, while climbing into bed. I stare up at the ceiling and I take deep breaths. This is all so confusing. What the hell is wrong with Niall? Why is he so angry? I don’t get why I put up with his crap. Oh, I know why. Because I’m fucking falling hard for him. My phone alerts me that I just got a new message. I reach over and I retrieve my phone off the table and I swipe the screen.  The background is still the same and I take a deep sign. I go to my messages and I see it’s from Niall. Of course it is.

From: Niall

Goodnight Jade xx

I don’t respond, instead I stuff my face in my pillow and I scream, only to have them muffled by the pillow.

*** My alarm screeches in my ear and I’m startled awake. I groan out loud annoyed that I have to get up and go to my classes. I slam my hand down on my alarm, silencing it. I roll out of bed and literally onto the floor. Ugh, I hate mornings. I stretch my body out and I get up from off the floor. I trudge my ass to the bathroom and I turn the nozzle in the shower to warm. Relaxing hot water squirts out and I quickly strip out of my pajamas and step into the shower. I lather my body with my mango scented body wash and I massage a coconut shampoo into my hair. Quickly I shave my legs and under arm, don’t want to look like a gorilla. I rinse my body one more time before shutting off the water and climbing out of the shower tub. I wrap a towel around my body and I pin my hair up with another towel. Putting some paste on my toothbrush I brush my teeth and I rinse my mouth with mouth wash.

I dab some face wash lotion on red spots on my face and they begin to disappear. When I was in grade school I had really bad acne and I looked disgusting but I quickly got a dermatologist and they got me so medicine I could take to help rid of the acne and before I knew all the pimples went away I never looked better! I pack up all my stuff in the bathroom and I stroll to my door and open it up so I can actually get ready for classes.


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