Chapter 2

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*** The time flies and I’m done with all my classes. I heard almost everyone talking about some huge party going on at the BETA TI lll. Some frat house I’m guessing. But I’m really eager to go, maybe it will die down my stress level. As soon as I get back to my room, I plug in my curling iron and wipe all my makeup off my face.  Quickly making my way to my closet I sort through all my clothing options. I quickly decide on some blue and black Azteca print leggings and a grey flowly crop top. I change into my new outfit and start to re-curl my hair, once again when I finished I teased it up to make it wavier. I applied some eyeliner and mascara to my eyes and I added a soft nude lip gloss to my lips. I slipped on some combat boots and grabbed my purse.  Once making sure I had my wallet and phone were in my purse I made my way to the party. When I arrive cars are packed tightly in the driveway, on the street, even some on the lawn. I can already hear music booming through speakers and I haven’t even gone inside yet. When I get to the door I’m sure if I knock or just go straight in. Taking chances I barge right in. The music boomed through there speakers. It is even more loud inside.  Laughs and screams filled the place up. The smell of alcohol could definitely be detected. Plastic cups littered the floor and any surface available. Bodies took up couches and chairs, even the floor. Bodies were grinding against each other. Can this party get anymore cool? I thought sarcastically. My thoughts were answered when some drunken guy came down the stairs on a motorcycle. He was practically half naked. Some guy was yelling at him, probably the owner of the motorcycle. I need a drink.  I make my way towards the kitchen hoping to find some alcohol. The kitchen counters are full of different types of alcohol, the center of the room there’s a keg. Typical college parties.  I pour myself a glass of cherry vodka. It stings my throat as I take a sip. I take some steps into the main party room. I take in my surroundings. Girls are throwing themselves onto guys. I roll my eyes in disgust.  I continue to survey the room when my eyes land on the blonde from this morning and his friends.  They are all sitting on a couch with girls on each of their laps. I recognize his friend Harry I think his name is the one with curly brown hair. I can never forget the hair.  Next to harry was the guy with messy black hair. Damn they are all so hot. My eyes wander back to the blonde. He has a girl with bright blue hair on his lap, she’s slowing grinding her hips on him. I feel a sting of jealously. Wait what? I'm jealous? No. I can’t be I don’t even know him. And he’s not even my type. With those piercings and tattoos.  His eyes meet mine. Shit. Look away look away.  But I can’t. He winks and sucks on the girl’s neck. His eyes never leaving mine. Someone clears there throat I look beside me. A tall guy with shaggy brown hair stares at me. “Oh um hi.” I say . “Hey I’m Louis.” “I’m Jade.”  “I see you’ve got your eye on Niall there” He says nodding towards the blonde. “Oh um. No. I was just looking. I don’t even know who he is.” I stuttered. “Well, that’s good then. You don’t want to get caught up with him. He’s bad news.” “What do you mean he’s bad news?” “He is biggest manwhore of them all. Sleeps with a different girl every night. He sleeps with them then he chucks them out like garbage. He’s no good. And he’s very dangerous.” “Dangerous how?” “Well, he put two guys in the hospital once. He’s just an angry person.” “Oh.” Was all I said. It was a lot of information to reel in. I look at Louis. He was actually really attractive. He had tattoos inked onto both of his arms and his tattoos on his chest were visible through his white shirt. He had a snake bites under his lips. He must have caught me starring cause he started to grin. “You want to dance?” He asked. Before I could answer, Niall appeared in front of us. “Sorry lad, she’s dancing with me.” He snapped.  He grabbed my hand and led me to the ‘dance floor’. I mouthed a sorry to Louis. He returned it with a smile and he walked away. Niall wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I flung my hands up to his chest pushing him away from me. He just held me tighter. He brought his mouth to my neck. “Don’t bother fighting back. I’m much stronger than you.” His raspy voice whispered.  “Where’s your whore of the night?” I asked referring to the blue headed idiot I saw on his lap earlier. “Who? Oh. You mean Alex? The one with the blue hair and a nice ass?” He chuckled the last part. I groaned. “I’m not some girl you can use and throw out when you get what you want.” “Who said anything about using you?” He questioned. “I know your little game.” “Trust me I don’t want to sleep with you. Well not yet.” I’m strangely offended by his remark. He must have noticed my expression. “Trust me love. I really want to fuck you. No doubt.”  I roll my eyes at his choice of words. “So do you have a boyfriend?” His heat mouth steams on my neck. “N..No.” I say. “Lucky me.” He harshly sucked on my neck. “Stop.” I sternly say. He immediately does. “Go out with me?” “What?” “Can I take you out on a date?” I could tell he rarely asks girls on dates by how his voice cracked and his tone had a hint of nervousness. Taking even more chances I said, “Why not.” “Great I’ll pick you up at 6.” “Wait , don’t you live in the same dorm as me?” “Oh god no. I live here. I stayed over at Alex’s.” Great. Alex’s is my neighbor. Why am I already judging her? I don’t even know her. Maybe we could be friends. “Well, I got to get back to Alex now.”  What? Did I hear him correctly. I didn’t respond, I just walked away. “Jade!” I heard Niall yell. I just kept walking. Of course he’s only taking me out to sleep with me. He knows I’m not just going to throw myself at him. I walk around the house until I spot Louis talking to the guy with messy black hair and another guy with brown hair shaven into a quiff. Louis spots me and calls me over. The other guys looking over at me scanning up and down my body. “Hey!” Louis shouts so I can hear over the music. “This is Zayn.” He says nodding towards the guy with black hair. “And this is Liam.” Nodding towards the one with the quiff. I turn towards Zayn. “You’re the one that called me a bitch.” They all started laughing, I raised my eyebrows. “Chill babe, I was just joking.” He said. I rolled my eyes, he sure does respect women, not. “I see you’ve got your eye on Niall.” Liam blurts, repeating Louis’s words from earlier. “Um. No I don’t. He’s an ass.”  I say. “You’ve got that right.” Zayn says. “He asked me on a date.” I say, not realizing what I just said. They all spit out their drinks. “What?” Louis spits. “He never asks girls out.” Liam says. “Maybe it’s just a phase?” Zayn suggests. “Yeah, maybe.” Liam says. “Or maybe he’s changing.” Louis says. “Who’s changing?” Someone asks. I turn to see Harry. “Oh um. No one.” Liam stutters.  “Sure..” Harry says. He turns his attention to me. “Don’t I know you?” “Yeah. First period.” I say. He looks at the other guys. They take the hint and leave. “I knew I recognized that face of yours. You’re quite beautiful.” He  says looking into my eyes. His green orbs melting me. Get it together Jade. “Thanks.” I say shyly. “No need to be shy. I’m not like most guys.” He says calmly. “That’s what every guy says.” I say. “Oh, but babe I’m not lying.” He says, pulling me to his chest. I let him. I kind of like Harry. He picks me up and places me on a table. He lets himself stand between my legs. He puts each hand on either side of my thighs. “So, babe you have a boyfriend?” I get asked for the second time tonight. “No I don’t.” I say. My hormones take over and  I crash my lips onto Harrys. What am I doing? It feels wrong. But feels so good. Harry’s tongue finds its way into my mouth.  I pull him by his collar of his shirt pulling him closer. His hands wrap around my waist, the way Niall did earlier. Oh my god Niall. Wait why do I care? “Dude, what the hell are you doing?” I hear someone yell. That voice sounds familiar. Niall. Harry stops kissing me and turns around. Niall stood right in front of him. “What are talking about mate?” Harry says. “Why in bloody hell were you kissing her?” Niall snaps. “Cause she’s hot. Didn’t know you already claimed her.” Harry spits back. He only kissed me because I’m hot? Wow, nice. “Yeah, she’s mine.” Niall says harshly. “I’m not anyone’s!” I yell. They both look at me. Neither of them say a word.  “I’m not somebody you can use and throw out the next day when you get tired of me.” I say meaning every word. “I wasn’t gonna use you.” Niall mumbles. “I’ll talk to you later.” Harry says and walks away. “Why did you kiss him?” Niall asks, his tone is hurt. “I don’t know. It just happened. Why do you care? I’m not your girlfriend and you have Alex to keep you company. I don’t even know you. You don’t even know me.” I say speaking my mind. “I’ll see you Sunday at 6.” He says bluntly and walks away. I’m left alone with my thoughts, not good.  “So I see you got two guys wrapped around your finger. I was right you are a bitch.” Zayn says coming out of nowhere. “It’s not like that.” I scoff. “Who are you gonna pick.” He asks. “What?” “If you had to choose between the two which one would you pick.” “I don’t know. I don’t know either of them.” “Harry is a big player. But Niall is no better.” Zayn states. “Why are you telling me this?” “Just be careful.” With that he walked away. Be careful? I’m always careful. I need another drink.

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