Chapter 20

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*NIALLS POV* I wake up the next morning around 10. I swiftly get out of bed but I stop when I make it the doorway. I turn around and I lean against the doorway. I look at Jade, her being fast asleep. She looks so damn adorable. I walk over to her, about to land a soft kiss on her forehead but I stop myself. Stop, it Niall. Don’t attach feelings. I just have to prove a damn point to Harry. That’s it. No feelings attached. Except for her. Damnit why did I agree to this? I can’t hurt her. Fuck, but I need the money. This is all so fucked up. I groan in defeat, knowing I have to do this. If it was any other girl I could do it no problem. But it’s Jade. There’s something different about her. At first I didn’t like her. Not one bit. She was too good. She was so fucking annoying. But now, I think I may actually like her. Fuck, no I can’t like her. I walk out of the room and brew a pot of coffee. Fuck if Harry tells her, I’m screwed. I quickly grab my phone off the counter and dial Harry’s number. He picks up on the third ring. “Hello?” He asks. “Hey. Harry I swear to fucking god if you tell her. I will fuckin beat the living shit out of you. You know I need the money.” “Damn, chill. I’m not going to tell her. I just want to see if you can actually do it. I doubt you will. Remember you have a month left.” He says, and then hangs up. Fuck, hopefully I can do it under a month. I hear someone cough from behind me and I see Jade rubbing her eyes, leaning against the door. She looks like a goddess. My shirts hands loosely off her shoulders, coming to an end right above her thighs. Her hair is thrown up into a bun, I think it’s called. God, Niall snap out of it. “Um hey.” I say, coolly. “Hey. Who were you talking about with Harry?” She asks. Did she hear us? “Why were you fucking eavesdropping?” I say, a little too harshly. She doesn’t answer me, she turns around and walks back to the bedroom. I follow her and she’s sitting at the end of the bed with her head in her hands. “I ASKED YOU ONE FUCKING QUESTION.” She bursts out. “Jade, I’m sorry.” “That’s the point you always say you’re sorry. But that doesn’t give you the fuckin right to snap at me all the time.” She points out. “That’s just the way I am. The sooner you get used to it the better.” “What if I don’t want to get used to it?” She asks, finally meeting my eyes. “Then leave.” I say bluntly. Fuck did I just say that? Fuck, it’s gonna ruin everything. “Fuck you.” I see the tears brim her waterline. “Jade, no.” “Leave me the fuck alone.” She responds coldly. She grabs her stuff and walks out of the room. Should I go after her? I might say something stupid and she would surely never come back. What do I do? I hear the front door slam and I mentally cuss myself for not going after her. Why would I, it’s not like we are dating. Wait, fuck. We are. But we aren’t. Fuck, but she thinks we actually are. My blood is literally boiling and I’m so pissed. Without thinking I punch a hole into the dry wall. I pull my hand out of the wall and blood is trickling down my arm. Could things get any worse? I need to let off some steam, I grab my phone and keys and I slam the front door shut. *** I unlock my locker in the gym locker room, I change into some black shorts and I rip off my t-shirt. I grab my gloves before slamming my locker shut and I make my ways to the mat. I slip my gloves on and look up at my trainer. “You got a fight next week?” “Yeah, against Mark.” “Easily beat his ass.” “No doubt.” “Okay, drop down and give me 100.” I drop down my hands and begin doing my usual routine. 100 pushups and sits up. I get back on my feet in a matter of minutes. Sweat is already dripping down from my forehead. My trainer Andrew walks me over towards the punching bags and we continue my routine. “Left Punch.” I punch the bag with my left hand. It leaves the bag with aloud smack. “Right punch.” I hit it with my right hand. We continue this for a couple of minutes. Next we get climb onto the ring. “Okay, defensive tactics.” ** A few hours later, Andrew has me practice with Cal, one of the best fighters in this place. “Okay, Niall like we practiced.” Andrew encourages me. I hear the front door bells jiggle and I snap my head to the door. Just who I expected. Harry walks in with his gym bag, he sees me and waves. “Andrew, break.” I mutter, climbing off the ring and slipping off my gloves. I stroll over to Harry and I take a sip out of my water bottle. “Jade, called me.” Harry says. “She what? Why? You didn’t tell her did you?” I say, my boiling blood slowly returning. “God, no. But she was crying. She told me what happened.” “Fuck.” I mutter. “Just apologize to her, then make her fall in love with you. Then dump her. Easy as that. I need proof though. I don’t trust you; I know you’ll make shit up.” “It’s not that easy. I can’t hurt her.” “Since when? Why are you getting all soft on me?” “Fuck you.” “Wait you don’t actually like her do you? If you do then the bet is off.” “I don’t like her. She’s not my type.” “Good, man I feel bad for her. She actually thinks we care about her and like her. How pathetic is that.” Harry laughs. I laugh along too. Well, fake laugh anyhow. I really want to punch Harry for saying that. He is disgusting. But I’m no better. “Well, I got to get back in the ring.” I nod towards the ring. “Yeah, I’ll see you tonight yeah?” I totally forgot Harry has that singing shit tonight. I wonder if Jade’s going. “Yeah.” I mutter. *JADES POV* After I left Niall’s walked all the way to my place, which was a pretty far walk. I finally made it back to my place at 12. I couldn’t help the tears that escaped my eyes. I didn’t know what to do. I can’t keep letting him treat me like this. I ended up calling Harry. I didn’t know who else to call. We talked on the phone for a while, until he hung up. He said he was busy at the gym. Harry is so caring. He listened to me the whole time. He is sweet genuine guy. Harry’s singing thing is at 5 so I have a few hours to relax. “Hello? Addison?” I ask into the phone. “Hey Jade!” “Hey, I was wondering if you would like to come over and get ready for the thing tonight. I need to talk to you about something.” I trail off. “I’ll be over in ten.” “Okay, see you then.” “See you then!” She chirps. I click end call when I don’t hear her voice anymore. I groan out loud and flop down on my pillow. Niall is a major dick head. What the hell were him and Harry talking about? Why wouldn’t he tell me? Was he talking about me? No, he couldn’t have been. God, he’s such a dick. “Jade, open up!” Addison yells from outside my door. She got here quick. I open my door and Addison tackles me into a hug. “Okay, so what happened?” We sat on top of my bed and I explain to her what happened. I even told her about what I heard on the phone from Harry and Nialls conversation.  “What the actual fuck.” She screeches. “Tell me about it.” “What the hell is wrong with him? I mean he is new to the whole relationship thing but still.” “Yeah, that doesn’t give him the right to treat me like shit.” “You’re totally right, I’m on your side without a doubt. I want to know who Harry and Niall were talking about.” “Me too.” “Let’s get your mind off of it.” “How?” I raise an eyebrow at her. “Let’s get ready! Can I, maybe like give you a makeover?” “Yes please. I haven’t had one for ages.” “Yay!” She squeals. She demands me to sit in front of my mirror, and she gets out my makeup. “Actually turn around, I don’t want you to look in the mirror until I’m finished with you.” “Whatever. Just don’t make me look like a clown.” “I just might.” She winks. *** “Alright done!” Addison exclaims, capping a lipstick tube. “Great! Now can I see?” “Nope, change first!” She says, throwing a short sleeved white/crème lace dress at me. I groan but I strip out of my clothes and changing into the dress. The dress stops right below knees. It snugs my body in all the right places and shows off some curves I didn’t even know I had. “You look amazing.” Addison gasps. “Now can I look?” I whine. She nods her head and starts to apply makeup to her face. I turn towards the mirror. I my mouth hangs agape. I didn’t recognize this girl staring back at me in the reflection. I carefully take in every inch of me. Addison went with a more natural look for my eyes. Light brown eye shadow and a dark brown for the upper lid. She drew a straight coffee brown eyeliner across my eyelid and applies a lighter eyeliner to my waterline. My lashes were darker than usual which I thought wasn’t possible. Finishing off the look she went with a pale pink lipstick for my lips. “I look.. I look. Just wow.” I say, turning around. I see she finished her makeup, and now she’s slipping on a dark maroon dress that comes down to her mid thighs. “Thank you.” I smile. “No worries.” She returns my smile. “We should head out.” Addison smirks, slipping on tall black heels. “Got it.” I reply, slipping on my own pair of black heels. “Ready to have fun?” Addison, says opening my door for me. “Tons.” I roll my eyes. We get to the club or whatever this place is and it’s packed tight full of people. “Hey, why don’t you get us a table. I’ll get us some drinks.” Addison yells over the music. I nod my head and make my way towards an empty booth. The stage is in perfect view and I see a mop of curls setting up a microphone in the middle of the stage. Harry. Harry then looks up and catches me staring. I give him a small wave, but he doesn’t return it. Okay, dick. I look away from his and try to find my friend with the pink hair.

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