Chapter 17

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Did that just happen? He sets me down and speaks, “You won’t regret saying yes, I promise you.” “Don’t give me a reason to regret it.” “I’ll try.” He smiles. “Your face looks better then yesterday.” He laughs. “I can’t believe you beat up Alex!” “That bitch deserves it.” I muttered. “She’s not that bad.” He says. “You’re kidding right?” “What? She’s not that bad.” “Not that bad? You’re not fucking serious.” “I’m just saying she’s not that bad, yeah she’s a bitch but she’s not that bad.” “I get it now.” “Get what?” “You like Alex. Don’t you?” “What oh god no. I don’t like her like that. She’s just a good screw.” He smirks. “You’re disgusting. You could care less what she says to me or the fact she beat me up. Look at my face. Bloody hell!” I say angrily. “Would you calm down?” He runs his hand through his hair. “Me calm down? You just asked me to be your girlfriend less than 5 minutes ago. Now your bragging about how good of a screw Alex is, and you know I can’t stand her for obvious reasons.” I yell, pointing to my face. “Please, don’t use the term girlfriend. You’re much more than just a title.” “I swear to god your bipolar.” I mutter, before I turn around and walk back inside, slamming the door in his face.  I make it to his bedroom by the time the front the door opens. I grab my bag, and phone. I go straight to the front but only to be caught by Niall. “Where are you going?” “I’m leaving?” “We only just started dating and you’re already leaving?” He jokes. I return his attempt joke with a death glare. “Goodbye Niall.” I turn the knob on the door, but Niall reaches it first. “Please Jade. Please stay.” He begs. “Why should I?” “Because. I don’t know. Just stay. With me.” He looks at me with pleading eyes. “Okay, fine. I’ll stay. But if you talk about Alex, so help me I’ll punch you.” “I’m scared.” He pretends to shake. “Do you just like her because she’s a good ‘screw’” I air quote screw. “Yes. But no. We’ve been like best friends since we were 3. Her mom was my mom’s best friend.” “Was? What happened?” “Nothing happened. I don’t like to talk about it.” “Okay.” “Why don’t you get changed, so we can go do something.”  I look down and I realize I’m still in Niall’s boxers. “Well, I have to take a shower first.” “Yeah me too. Shall we take a shower together, you know save like water or some shit.” “Nice, try.” “Come on, I’ve already seen your top half bare.” I smack his arm playfully and I receive a smirk from him. “You go ahead, take one first.” “Such a gentlemen.” I laugh. *** I turn off the water, and I wrap a towel around my body. I grab Niall’s clothes and I unlock the door leading me to the hallway. I start to head to Niall’s room when I hear him wolf whistle. I freaking run as fast as I could to Niall’s room. I lock the door, before I changed into some dark blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, red and white Longline varsity cardigan, and some grey fuzzy socks to cover my feet. I comb through my hair with my fingers, and I head over to the mirror Niall has hanged up on his closet door. I search through my bag until I come across my makeup bag. I apply some eyeliner to my bottom and top of my eye, and I use some mascara to make my lashes darker. Once, I finished with my makeup I place the bag back into my bag. I plug in my curling iron and dry off my hair more with the towel. As quickly as I can I curl my hair into pretty wavelets. I leave the iron out so it could cool and I jump on Niall’s bed.  Soon enough the door open to reveal an almost naked Niall. Thank god for the towel wrapped around his waist. “Might want to turn around.” He winks. I groan but I turn around to be facing the wall. Few minutes later Niall jumps on top of me. “Niall!” I scream, but I’m soon silenced by Niall’s lips crashing onto mine. His tongue guides itself along my bottom lip and I wrap my arms around his neck. I open my mouth slightly and he doesn’t waste his time, his tongue finds its way into my mouth. I have never really liked French kissing, it always seemed gross. Niall’s hands moved down to my sides and he starts to tickle me. “Niall stop!” I giggle. He continues to tickle me and I think I’m about to cry. “Niall stop I’m gonna cry.” I yell. “Never!” Niall laughs. I think I might piss myself. “Niall please stop! Your killi-.” I’m cut off by Niall’s lips meeting mine for a long passionate kiss. He finally stops tickling me, and he breaks the kiss. We stare into each other’s eyes, and I never noticed how beautiful his is. They are deep blue like the sea. They make me melt every time I look at them. “You’re like a fucking goddess.” He whispers out of breath. I feel my cheeks start to tingle and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were a bright red. “We should get going.” He says, getting off of me. “Go where?”  I pout. I miss the sudden contact of Niall’s touch. “To get dinner.” He smiles. “It’s only 5 o’clock.” “Then let’s go do something.” “What should we do?” “We could have an early dinner?” He asks, and right on cue his stomach growls. “Okay, I’m hungry too.” I nod towards his stomach. He grabs my hand and helps me up. He hands me my phone, and I head to grab my wallet, but Niall stops me. “You don’t need that.” “Yeah, for dinner.” “I’ll pay for you.” “You don’t have to.” “But I want to.” I sign in defeat. He gives me his world famous smirk. “Oh shut up.” I hit him in his stomach. “OW!” He yells, holding his stomach. “You’re so dramatic.” I roll my eyes. “Come on.” He laughs, grabbing my hand. *** We arrive at the old Chinese restaurant and Niall helps me out of the car like a gentlemen. I got to say I love this side of him. He holds the door open for me as we step into the restaurant. “Table for two.” Niall tells the host. “We have one available in the back, that alright?” “Yes, that’s fine.” “Great, right this way. Just to forewarn you there is a big group party in the back also.” “Okay.” “That’s alright.” I say.  He shows us to our table and as soon as I sit down and look at the surrounding table, I’m not surprised at whom I see. Niall follows my gaze and his mouth is agape. “Niall! What’s up? What are you doing here!?” Liam asks. “Why are you with her?” Alex comments. “Shut up Alex.” Harry says. “We came here to eat.” Niall says. “Join us! We are still waiting for Addison and Louis.” Liam says. Niall answers by standing up and taking a free seat by Alex and Liam. Wow didn’t see that coming. “Jade? Won’t you join us?” Harry asks. “Um, nah I’m good. I think I’ll just leave.” I say, glancing at Niall. “Bye bitch.”  Alex calls. “Alex!” Niall hisses. “Jade, stay.” Niall continues. I roll my eyes but I sit down next to Harry. The usual crew is all here. They all order about everything off the menu so we could all share. “Hey guys!” Addison squeals from behind me. I turn around to greet her. “Hey love! I haven’t seen you for ages!” She laughs hugging me. “Can I talk to you?”  I whisper in her ear. She nods her and takes my hand. “Be right back guys.” She announces. We both speed walk to the bathroom and as soon as we make it she shuts the door and locks it. “Okay, spill.” “Niall. He asked me to be his girlfriend this afternoon.” Her mouth flies open, so I continue. “And I brought up Alex and how she’s a bitch and he completely defended her. And of course he sits next to her at dinner. It’s ridiculous.” “What the hell? I mean, they are pret-. Oh my god, what the hell happened to your face? Who did that?” She says, stepping closer. I didn’t think people would notice the bruising on my face after how much concealer and foundation I used. “Alex. At the party last night she attacked me. But don’t worry I didn’t give up without a fight. I threw some pretty heavy punches at her pathetic face.” “What the fuck. I can’t believe her. If I get my hands on her she ain’t gonna know what hit her.” She says, strangling thin air. “But anyways, about Niall, they are pretty close. But I wouldn’t worry about him with her anymore. Niall doesn’t seem like the type to cheat. But then again he has never been in a real relationship before.” “Well, that’s great.” I mutter. “Come on, we will continue this later.” “Sounds good.” I smile. She unlocks the door and pushes it open. We make it make to the table and I see there are no open seats left. Addison took the last one next to Louis. “Jade, you can sit on my lap.” Harry offers. “No. She won’t. She’ll sit on my lap.” Niall says, finally looking at me. “Why would you ask HER that? She can sit on the floor where she belongs.” Alex scoffs. “Alex. Stop being a bitch to my girlfriend.” Niall erupts. Alex starts to laugh and everyone else looks stunned. “Girlfriend? Ahhaha that’s a good one Ni.” She laughs. “I’m not joking. We’re dating.” “You can’t be serious.” Alex finally stops laughing. “Niall? In a relationship? Never thought I would see the day!” Liam laughs. “Shut up.” Niall mutters. Niall pulls me down and I’m sitting on his lap now. He wraps his arms around my waist and he folds his hands in my lap. “You guys are so cute.” Monica exclaims. I can’t help but smiles. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Niall jokes. “Picture! That’s a great idea! Here hand me your phone!” She shoves her hand a Niall. He groans but complies. “Okay, smile!” She pointes the phone at us. I smile and I’m hoping Niall’s smiling so I won’t look like an idiot. “Aww. Okay one more!” “No.” Niall pouts. “Man up Horan!” Louis says. I look at the camera and I smile. At the last second Niall kisses my cheek and I close my eyes tight. “You guys are adorable!” Addison squeals. God, she squeals a lot.

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