Chapter 16

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I strip out of clothes and I plop down into the tub. The temperature of the water is just right. I sink down into the water and close my eyes. This feels so good. Niall clears his throat and I nearly jump out of skin. I’m so glad the bubble cover up every inch of me, except my head of course. “Here are clothes. And I thought you might like to listen to some music.” He says, placing clothes and a small radio on the sink counter. He turns the radio on and a slow sad song comes on. It fits right into the mood. “Niall?” I ask. “Yes, darling?” He smiles. “Can you… Maybe massage my back?”  I shyly ask. “As you wish.” He sits down next to the tub, and I sit up. The bubbles still covering me. His hands gently rub my back and shoulder, and the touch relieves some tension. After a few minutes , Niall stops. “Is that good?” “Yes. Thank you Niall.” “Anytime love.” “I’ll go make us a snack.” He grabs my now empty tea mug and exits the bathroom. I lie in the tub for a few more minutes and I pull the drain plug. I get out the tub and wrap a towel around my body. I rinse off my face, clearing off all of my makeup. I dry off my face and body and examine the clothes Niall brought me. I slip the dark blue pair of boxers on over my legs and pull the grey shirt over my head. The shirt reaches my mid-thigh. It smells just like him. I pull my hair into a tight ponytail and I walk out of the bathroom. Niall is hunched over the stove, popping some popcorn. I quietly sneak up behind and I jumped on his back yelling, “BOO!” His reaction was priceless. He screamed like a little girl. I couldn’t stop laughing. “That’s not funny! I almost had a heart attack!” He whines. “Stop pouting Horan.”  I joke. “Great, now the bloody popcorn is burnt.” He says, dumping the black burnt popcorn out. “Sorry.” I say batting my lashes. “Fuck Jade. Don’t do that.”  He groans. I laugh softly. I yawn and I rub my eyes. “You tired?” “Yes, I’ll take the couch.”  “No, I’ll take the couch.” “Niall seriously, it’s fine I’ll take the couch.” “Okay.” He rolls his eyes. “I’ll get some blankets.” He mumbles and leaves the room. I head to the living room, and I lay down on the couch. “Here you go darling.” Niall says, handing me a pillow and soft fuzzy blanket. “Thank you.”  I rest on my head back on the pillow and I wrap the blanket tight around my body. “If you need anything I’m right down the hall. Sleep tight.”  He kisses my forehead and turns off the light. I stare at the ceiling and my thoughts are swarming around in my head. *** NO! STOP! DAD PLEASE. NO. NO. DAD! “Jade! Wake up!”  I’m shaken awake from my dream. And I jolt up. Beads of sweat escape down my face and I feel like I am on fire. “Jade?”  Niall asks. He is sitting by my side. I look at him, and I wrap my arms around him. “Bad dream?” “Yes.”  I stutter. “Babe, shh. It’s okay.”  He whispers, rubbing my back. “Here, come on.” He grabs my hand and leads me to his room. He pulls back the covers, and I climb in. He slides in right beside me. I face away from him, but he still wraps his arm around me and his head finds its way into the crook of my neck. Sleep finally takes over. I wake to the smell of food. I sound fat. My eyes adjust to the light and I see Niall is no one where to be found. I stretch it out before I sulk out of bed to detect where the wonderful smell is coming from. I wonder into the kitchen and Niall is placing various food items on the island. “Good Morning!” I say cheery. “Good Morning lovely.” He smiles. “I made us some breakfast. Help yourself.” I piled a lot of everything onto my plate and Niall brewed us some coffee. “So, are you going to the bar on 2nd street Sunday?” I ask. “No, why? What’s going on?” “Oh, Harry invited me. He’s singing.” “Oh. I’ll go. Only if you be my date.” “Why would I be your date?” “Because, you can’t resist me.” I cough out a fake laugh. “Don’t flatter yourself.” *** I help Niall clean the dishes and it’s already noon. “Is it alright if I borrow your car to get some clothes back at my place? Or unless you want me gone.” “Yeah sure, keys are on the counter.” I go to grab the keys, and Niall continues to talk. “Hey. Um why don’t you. Bring some extra stuff to keep here. You know just in case.” He says, looking down. “Um yeah sure.” I say. “Great. Hurry back.” He calls from the living room. I head out to his car and start it. I turn out of the complex and onto the busy road. Did he really ask me to bring some stuff to keep at his place? He seemed so shy about it. In a way it was adorable. I quickly unlock my door and shut it. I grab a duffel bag out of my closet and I fill it with a few pairs of jeans, shirts, skirts, underwear, pajamas and some shoes. I place my makeup bag and my extra curling iron in the bag as well. I shove my sketch book into my bag. Never leave home without it. I hurriedly get back to Niall’s. He eyes my bag when I make it through the door. “I didn’t ask you to move in.” He jokes. “Shut up.” “So, for dinner I thought we would order Chinese. That is if you want to stay tonight again.” “Yeah, that sounds good.” “Great!” “Here, I’ll take that to my room.” He says, taking my bag. I plop down on the comfy couch and turn the channel to Impractical Jokers. This show cracks me up every single time I watch it. “I’m gonna step outside for a bit.” Niall calls from the front door. “KAY!” I shout. I’m so in to the show I don’t realize I’ve already watched 3 episodes. “Niall?” I call. I get up off my lazy ass and I walk to the front door and Niall is sitting on the steps outside. “Niall?” He quickly turns around there’s a white rose in his hand. “Where have you been?” I asked, acting like I didn’t see the rose. “Oh, I had a phone call. And I came out here to practice. Erm. I mean. Nothing.” “Practice?” I question. “Jade, listen to me. I was planning on doing this on Wednesday but I can’t wait that long. Jade, I’m going crazy about you. I don’t know why, but I just am. Jade, I need you. I want you. Please, Jade will you like. Be with me? Sorry I’m new to this whole thing.” “Like your girlfriend?” “Ugh, I hate those terms, boyfriend and girlfriend. It’s much more than just a title.” “Yes.” “Yes? You will!? Really?” His eyes light up and he smiles that gorgeous smile I love so much. Love? Niall hands me the rose and he picks me up and spins me around.

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