f o u r

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It was morning. My alarm clock awoke me. I sat up seeing my dog at the end of my bed, playing with my feet.

He looked at me with his two disparate colored eyes.

D: Good morning Storm!

I stood and continued with my daily morning stretches. I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, and put in my contacts.

Storm rubbed up against my legs as if he was a cat.

D: Silly boy, aren't yah?

Storm escorted me to the kitchen, where I gave him his food, and I treated myself with some sausage and eggs.

I realized I was suppose to see Joey today, which I was excited about. I felt so bad for the guy. He was so sweet, but fragile. So handsome, but so shy. He was so scared, but brave. I adore him.

I didn't know what time to go down to his room. I looked at my watch and saw it read 1:00.

I ran to my bedroom to figure out what to wear.

Red flannel or simple blue sweatshirt?

Skinny jeans or khakis?

I figured it would be better to wear something more subtle. Red flannel and skinny jeans.

I brushed my lavender hair, and I slipped on my radish colored boots, and snapped my watch on my left wrist.

I took the elevator down to Joey's room. Room 93.

I knocked on the door, soon seeing Troye open the door.

T: Oh hey Daniel. I'm guessing you want Joey?
D: Yes, I didn't know when to come, so I figured now was a good time.
T: Well actually he isn't up yet.

I brought my hand to my mouth trying to cover up my small grin.

T: Come on in.

Troye said to me while waving his hand to show that I could enter.

T: I will go wake him.

I sat down on the couch, soon hearing Troye yelling, signaling Joey to get up.


Then I hear a loud thump. Troye comes out of Joey's bedroom laughing hysterically. Joey, following him holding the back of his head.

Joey was in navy blue briefs, with a tank top, which turned me on.

J: I'm sorry, Daniel. I forgot you were coming. I better get ready.
D: It's no problem Joey! I can wait.

Joey had finished getting ready, wearing a purple jumper, and black jeans. He looked quite handsome.

J: So what do you wanna do?
D: I don't know, do you like coffee, or smoothies?
J: How about shaved ice?

Joey smirked at me, and I giggled.

J: I know a good shaved ice place, do you wanna go?
D: I would love to, Joey!

I walked with Joey to the parking lot, seeing tons of seagulls in the remaining lots.

Joey ran which made all of the birds fly. It was quite cute.

Joey chuckled and looked back at me.

D: Let's go.

I unlocked my car, and Joey hopped in the passenger seat.

J: This is a nice car.
D: Thanks, do you have a car.
J: No.. I can't afford a car.

I glanced over at him seeing him sad.

D: It's okay, Joey. Do you have any siblings?
J: Yeah, I have a sister named Nicole, and a younger brother named Jett.
D: That's cool, Joey!
J: I guess.

The rest of the car ride was silence. He didn't want to talk for some reason. I was surrounded by the quiet.

the quiet; jg.dpWhere stories live. Discover now