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It was late, the sky was pitch black. Storm left soft groans in the back of my car. Joey's eyes fluttered as we hit a bump in the road.

D: It's okay, baby. Just a pot hole.
J: O-okay.

He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep again. I pulled around the corner making a U-Turn into my mothers house.

My mother was older, ginger hair with a touch of gray. Her eyes were a dull blue, and her clothes were old-ly fashioned. Her house was old, bricks were faded. The stepping stones were cracked, and the grass was dead and brown. The wood was worn, and my childhood was still throughout the house.

I gazed at the structure remember every bit of my childhood, full of smiles, cries, and screams.

I shook Joey's shoulder making him jump.

D: We are here, baby boy.

He smiled and looked out the window, seeing my mothers house in the dark.

J: Let's go!
D: You ready to meet her?
J: Yes, and Wolfia.

I gave him a confused look, and opened the back seat for Storm, putting a leash around his neck.

D: Wolfia?
J: Yup!!

I smiled at his childishness. Joey wrapped his arms around my waste as we walked to the doorstep.

Storm was squirming in my arms hearing Wolf's barks on the other side of the door.

D: They haven't seen each other since Storm was an lil' pup.

My mom opened the door, looking at me, and then Joey. Wolf pushed through the door, trying to see Storm.

DM: So, you must be the handsome boy that Danny always talks about, hm?

Joey and I smiled at each other as I sat Storm on the ground, making the dogs jump with joy.

My mother turned around and saw the dogs playing.


She sighed and grabbed the door handle.

DM: I will be right back. You don't mind do you?
D: N-no mom, you go and vacuum your couch and wash the tables, do whatever's more important than your son and his boyfriend.
DM: Thanks dear, I love you.

She shut the door, leaving me and Joey alone in the dark, outside where it was cold. It was freezing. I was in short sleeves now. Joey was bundled up in my jacket.

J: So this is where you lived?
D: Yes, this little house.

Joey looked up in the direction of the roof.

J: Which one was your room?
D: That one!

I pointed to the window on the far right, with the blue curtains.

I looked at Joey and cupped his cheek, and his lips connected to mine again.

The door opened and we pulled away.

DM: You boys! I was gone for 2 minutes and you're already making out!

I blushed and we walked inside following my mother.

DM: So.. Joey, I'm Daniel's mom, Maria. (Yes that's her real name)

Joey put his hand forward waiting for my mom to shake.

J: And I am Joey!!

Joey chuckled in his other hand.

D: So mom, how are you?
DM: I'm fine, how are you darling.

I grabbed Joey's hand making our fingers connect together like a puzzle.

D: I'm- I

Joey's eyes started to water. He knew why I stuttered, and it shocked me thinking I didn't tell my mom yet.

DM: Danny?
D: Y-yes M-mom.
DM: Are you and Joey okay?

I rubbed my eye, and looked at Joey. He had tears down his cheeks.

DM: Boys? Don't cry.

She sat down next to me and gave me a big hug, and then Joey.

D: I- have to t-tell you something.
DM: Yes, dear anything.
D: Don't freak out.

I knew she was going to cry, and I knew that we were going to have to get the dogs ready to go before she went into a breakdown. Alcohol. She was going to get alcohol.

I pulled out my phone and opened my notes and typed to Joey.


Joey you need to get Storm back on his leash, and Wolf next to you ready to go. My mom is going to get angry and sad really quickly and go straight to the alcohol and its not going to be safe.


Joey looked at me with fear. He knows what it's like to have an alcoholic parent. I've been through so much as a child. I knew once I told mom, she was going to drink, because it's possible the same outcome of this cancer, was what happened to my dad. Death.

DM: Daniel Christopher Preda, tell me.
D: I- I have..

Joey got up slowly and grabbed Storm and put him on the leash, and sat Wolf down next to him by the door.

D: I have lung cancer, Mom.

the quiet; jg.dpHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin