t h i r t e e n

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I couldn't see who was speaking to me so I continued to pump the gas.

X: It is you.

Next to me was a tall figure. I squinted my eyes trying to make out who it was.
I stepped closer and I realized who it was.

J: Preston?
X: Mhm. Did you miss me?

I glanced over at Daniel, still sound asleep. I was worried that if I ran into my car or made it noticeable that Daniel was in the car he would try to hurt me, or worse. Hurt Daniel.

J: Y-yeah Preston. I-I did. I've been- uh so lonely w-without you.
P: I knew it! Let's go to my place, and forget about the past. I wanna love to my baby again.

I nodded my head, swiping my credit card. I glanced back over at my car.

P: Joey?!

My heart was racing and I quickly turned my head back to Preston. He must know that Daniel's in the car.

J: Y-yes?
P: Are you going to answer?
J: Oh y-yes Preston. Of c-course.

I sighed in relief. I thought he knew Daniel was in my car.

J: I'm just going to- park my car okay? I'll get in trouble if I leave it here.
P: Okay babe, I will come with you.

Preston walked closer to me and smile.

J: N-no Preston it's okay. Can you please get me a Cherry Slush from inside, I really want one.

Preston chuckled and placed a kiss on my cheek, making me want to vomit.

P: Of course. I will get a large so we can split it.

Preston walked into the gas station and I ran to the drivers seat and slammed the door, waking Daniel.

D: What, why are you yelling?!
J: P-Preston he is here! Preston is here.

Daniel shot up, and fixed his hair.

D: I know a place.

Daniel unbuckled and signaled me to switch seats. He turned the keys and stepped on the gas pedal.

J: We don't have much time.
D: How did he find you.
J: I- was pumping th- the gas. He came and-

My eyes were pouring like a faucet. Daniel put his hand on my shoulder.

D: Don't cry babe.
J: I- I don't want y-you to get h-hurt.
D: Joey, I am going to be okay. We are going to be okay.

We continued to drive, it was now 10:45 p.m. I stared at the road watching the white lines pass along side the car. The roads were empty, it was dark. Nothing left Daniel and I's mouths. We were both scared, and surrounded by the quiet.

Daniel parked the car in the middle of the field.

J: W-where are we?
D: Come on.

I followed him to the back of the car. He opened the trunk and grabbed a bag filled with blankets, pillows, candles, and some wine.

J: What's all of this for?
D: I was going to take you tomorrow, but I feel like this is the best time to take you to my secret spot. He won't find us here.

I was confused but I followed Daniel. We disappeared in the trees, and walked up a steep hill. We heard animals in the distance and plants rustling in the wind.

D: We're almost there.

I tripped over a tree stump causing me to fall a far ways down the hill.

J: Daniel wait!
D: Aww, baby grab on.

I grabbed his arm and he helped me up. We held hands all the way up the hill until we approached the top. The view was beautiful. The stars shimmered, and cars zoomed underneath us. The cities lights sparkled in the distance. The moon looked as if it was close enough to touch.

J: This is beautiful, Daniel.
D: I- I know.

He started lighting the candles and placing them around the crest of the hill. He spread the blanket on the ground and placed the pillows nicely on top.

D: I c-come here whenever I'm upset or lonely.
J: How'd you find this place?
D: An old friend.

Daniel sat next to me with his arm around my waist. Sniffles and soft cries left him.

J: W-why are you crying, Danny?
D: My father showed me this spot. H-he's not h-here anymore.
J: Aww Daniel, it's okay. I'm here.

Daniel smiled slightly and kissed my forehead. He opened the basket and gave me some crackers and cheese.

I grabbed myself 2 crackers and w piece of cheese and made a sandwich.

J: May I ask how he passed?
D: Y-yeah. He had lung cancer and-

Daniel started balling his eyes out when he said that sentence that he couldn't finish.

I wiped his tears and gave him a big hug.

D: I- have to tell y-you s-something
J-Joey. S-something that is r-really important.

He looked at me, his eyes swollen. His tear stains reflected off the moonlight.

J: Y-yeah?
D: I-

Daniel paused and his head shot up.

D: Joey. We have to go.
J: What? Why?!
D: He's here. Run.

We stood up and I ran down the other side of the hill.


I continued to run, hoping Daniel was behind me. As I ran tears flew off my face.

I stopped and looked behind me. Daniel wasn't following me. I quickly got out my phone.

X: 911 what's your emergency?
J: My boyfriend he is in trouble!
X: Where are you sir?
J: I- I don't know.
X: Is he okay?
J: I don't know, my ex boyfriend just got arrested and he's out again, and he was following us.
X: Well, we can track him. What is his name?
J: P-Preston K-King.

I looked up at the hill, the candles were blown out. I heard a scream from the top of the hill.

X: We found him! We are on our way!
J: Thank you. P-please hurry.

Soon sirens were in the distance and flashing blue and red lights were displayed on the hill.

I sprinted back up, seeing a body on the ground covered in blood.

the quiet; jg.dpWhere stories live. Discover now