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My cheeks turned a bright burgundy color, in embarrassment.

J: Aww why didn't you tell me.
D: I- I was nervous.
J: You've have never rode a bike before?
D: Nope.
J: Not even with Training Wheels?

I shook my head, and hopped off Troye's bike.

Joey approached me subtly, and rubbed my back.

J: Let's go my cute little boy.

I grinned and held Joey's hand, as I heard him humming.

I love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do. Wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you.

I gripped his hand even tighter, realizing he was humming Melanie.


Joey laughed, showing me his perfectly white teeth.

J: Technically I'm helping you ride a bike.
D: Who cares, I was just humming the song.

I let go of his hand, jokingly and crossed my arms. Putting my lip in a pouting position.

J: You crybaby.
D: Stop with the Melanie references.

I couldn't help but replace my puppy face with a grin. That was pretty funny.

My hand fell in his once again. Both of us pulling a bike on our sides, out the door, and into the elevator.

Joey strapped the bikes to the back of my car. I stood there watching him, being very impressed.

I squeezed his butt, and ran to the drivers seat and slammed the door.

I ducked down trying to hide, seeing Joey puzzled, as to where I went. His look of confusion furrowed his brow.

He looked around both sides of the car, but still couldn't find me. I laughed really hard when he finally saw me.


I mouthed 'I love you' against the window, making Joey's cheeks blush.

I unlocked the door so Joey could get in.

D: Did I squeeze it hard enough?
J: Plenty thank you.
D: So where's this park you were talking about?
J: Suburbia Meadows.

I handed Joey the GPS, and he typed the letters gently on the screen.

After the women on the GPS, gave us millions of U-Turns and wrong directions, we finally arrived at the park.

Children played on the seesaw and their mothers and fathers had their noses in their phones, not paying any attention to their kids.

Men and women walked their dogs, and other adults played soccer and basketball.

Teens gathered around the edge of the wooded area, with cigarettes, and alcohol, which made both me and Joey sick.

Overall the park was beautiful. The sun was setting, leaving behind a pink and orange sky. The sound of birds tweeting filled the air.

I helped Joey unhook Troye's blue bike, and Joey's emerald green one off my car.

Joey handed me a red helmet matching his, and we both put them on.

J: Do you want me to show you how to ride before you start?
D: Yes please, I'm sorry babe.
J: That's okay, Danny boy.

Joey winked at me, and sat on the seat. He peddled slowly showing me how to balance.

D: What if I fall?
J: I carry bandaids on me now, for when your soft hands hit the jagged ground.
J: Fine. You wanna try now?

I nodded. Joey got off his bike and helped me get on Troye's. He grabbed the handle bars helping me balance.

As he held on to the bike, I started to peddle. I got pretty far, until Joey decided to let go, and I fell flat on the ground.

J: Sorry, I thought you had the hang of it.
D: No I don't, Mr. Graceffa.

I got myself off the ground, and lifted the bike.

Joey ran and grabbed his and caught up with me.

J: Let's try together, okay?

the quiet; jg.dpWhere stories live. Discover now