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My eyelids fluttered. I woke up to the sound of Joey snoring, which was adorable.

I started to move, towards the far end of the bed, without waking Joey.

I opened my drawer to grab some sweatpants. I slowly put them on, watching Joey twitch and mumble in his sleep.

Joey's switching continued, when I soon saw his eyes look directly at me.

D: Good morning beautiful.
J: Wh- what time is it?

I grabbed my golden watch off my dresser.

D: It's 10 o'clock.

Joey yawned in exhaustion. He stretched and stood up, and I looked at him, tilting my head.

D: You never did answer me. Guess you were to caught up in the kiss, hm?

Joey smiled and gave me a hug, our torsos against one another's.

J: I would love to be your boyfriend.

I gave him a shocked but bright smile.
I thought he was going to refuse. Especially after Preston.

Joey grabbed my hand and we walked to the kitchen.

D: Pancakes, eggs, sausage?
J: Whatever you want.
D: I'm asking you.
J: Whatever you want!
D: Joey! Don't make me come over there.
J: Come over here then.

He was asking for it. I walked over with a grin on my face holding up a fist, jokingly.

Joey grabbed a pillow and put it to his face, from what I thought was to "hide."

I removed the pillow to see him crying, him leaving tear stains on the pillow.

D: My love, what's the matter?
J: D-don't h-h-hurt m-me, pl-ease.
D: Joey I would never hurt you.

He wiped his tears. My heart ached. The second day of knowing each other and I already made him cry. Great, what a boyfriend I am.

J: Preston would a-always do- do that to m-me. Except h-he actually h-hit me.

I rubbed his forearm. Watching the tears spill.

D: I-I'm so sor-

I was interrupted by Joey. He grabbed the now tear stained pillow and swung it at me knocking me over.


Joey was laughing, and pointing his index finger at my body lying on the floor.

J: I gotcha good, didn't I?
D: Haha very funny.
J: I'm a great actor, hehe.
D: Seriously Joey, I thought you were actually crying. Don't do that to me ever again. That hurt me.

I got up off the floor, gripping the carpet and sat next to Joey.

J: It was just a pillow, you crybaby.
D: No. You hurt my heart Joey.

I laughed even though it wasn't that amusing.

J: I'm sorry.

Joey looked at me, and made a puppy dog face.

J: You keep saying that.
D: It's cause it's true.

I winked at him, and held his hand, and we walked to the island, in the kitchen.

D: Now, answer my question, or I will punch you.
J: Uh- uh. OMELETS.

I served Joey and I our omelets with shallots, peppers, and mushrooms.

Joey took the first bite.

J: This is really good Daniel. Glad to know my new boyfriend can cook, and not order Chinese Food every night after beating me up.

I swallowed my egg, in disappointment. It was so sad to me, to think that Joey went through all of that.

D: And I'm glad my new boyfriend is safe now.

Joey simpered.

D: And I'm glad my new boyfriend knows how to properly cuddle.

I winked at Joey and took another bite of egg, soon finishing my plate.

J: What are we doing today?
D: I don't know, what do you wanna do?
J: Ooh we could go to the park and go biking. I've always wanted to go, but Preston would always say no to my suggestions.
D: The park sounds fun, but I don't have a bike.

Joey pouted, but then his facial expressions changed and his face brightened.

D: Do you think he'll mind?
J: No, not at all. But,

Joey paused making me worried. My stomach was turning.

D: But what Joey?
J: He doesn't know I am- dating you.
D: Are you going to tell him?
J: No.

I was confused. Why wouldn't you tell your best friend that you were dating someone?

D: Why not.
J: Because he gets over protective. He always asks me a thousand questions before I go on a date. Or sometimes he calls me non stop if I don't come back home before tw-

Joey's eyes widened, and he ran to my bedroom.

D: Joey?
J: Hold on.

He ran back out and sat down scrolling on his phone.

J: 69 missed calls and 93 unread text messages.
D: From who?!!

There was another moment of silence. Again, I was surrounded by the quiet.

Joey looked at me.

J: From Troye.

the quiet; jg.dpWhere stories live. Discover now