f i f t e e n

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Connor, Troye, Joey, and I were all on the couch in fear. This movie was intense. Under the blanket I held Joey's hand and traced my fingers along his.

The room filled with yawns coming from Troye and Connor. Joey's eyes gazed into mine. He grabbed my neck and put his mouth up to my ear.

J: Let's go to your room.
D: Okay.

I opened my door, causing Storm to jump on Joey.

J: Hi boy!
D: I don't believe you to have properly met!
J: No I don't think.

Joey crouched down and pet my white husky gently. His hand swiped the edge of his blue collar, and he read his tag.

J: Hello- Storm.

I smiled at the sight of Joey smiling and his face getting licked. Joey picked Storm up and carried him to the bedroom.

J: So when did you get him?
D: A couple months ago.
J: You know that pets aren't allowed here right?

I nodded my head. And pet Storm's head lovingly.

D: I used to have another dog named Wolf, but I couldn't bring him here. He was to big to smuggle.

I winked at Joey making him smile.

J: Daniel? Can I ask you something?
D: Yes babe, what is it?

His eyes turned red and clear liquid left his eyes.

J: H-how come you l-love me? I j-just bring you into m-messes. W-with Preston and-
D: Joey?

I wiped his tears with my thumb and cupped his cheek.

D: I love you because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You make me happy. And I don't care what happens, I will always be with you, by your side. I love you.

Joey grinned and sniffled.

J: I- I have something to tell you.
D: Yeah?

Joey jumped up on the bed smiling.

J: I bought a house!
D: Y-you did?
J: Yeah! I'm really excited.
D: Joey, that's amazing! Congratulations!!

Joey sexily crawled towards me across the bed and placed his finger on my neck and brought it downwards slowly across my chest.

J: But I would hate to be living alone.

Joey smirked at me, and I grinned. I stumbled on top of him. We were laying on the bed and Storm sat on my back.

D: Are you asking me to-
J: To live with me? Yes I am.

I grinned and pecked Joey's lips. When I released, Storm licked Joey back.

D: Double kisses.
J: No.
D: No?
J: Triple.

He grabbed my neck with extra force and kissed me once again. His tongue explored behind my lips, making his saliva drench my mouth.

D: Okay, bad boy.

Joey laughed and connected our lips again.

D: Where are we going?

I followed Joey, our hands together. We walked through the parking lot to my car. Joey grabbed my butt making me jump.

J: Relax, I'm just getting the keys.

He unlocked the car and sat in the drivers seat. We started to drive.

D: Seriously, where are we going.
J: You'll see.

We pulled up at a fancy Italian Restaurant, with a brick pathway.

J: We're here!
D: Is this an unexpected date?

Joey smiled as we got out of the car. The restaurant was gorgeous, but extremely classy. The air smelled like pasta and garlic bread, making my mouth water extremely.

D: This looks like a nice restaurant.
J: Oh. Daniel, we are not eating here.

I gave him a confused look.

J: Come this way.
D: O-okay?

I grabbed his hand and we walked behind the restaurant through some pine trees, revealing a little house.

J: Do you like it?
D: It's so adorable, but I really wanted that pasta.
J: Fine I will take you tomorrow okay?

Joey and I laughed and I gave him a peck on the lips, and walked up the small pathway to the door.

the quiet; jg.dpWhere stories live. Discover now