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Joey and I got back on our bikes, together.

He held my hand as we rode slowly down the curvy pathway. I smiled as the wind blew against my face.

J: Now you're getting the hang of it!
D: I know. Thank you, Joey!

We were beginning to enter the woods, when Joey slammed on his breaks.

D: Are you okay? Are you hurt? What's wrong?

Joey got off the bike, and smiled. A little giggle escaped his grin.

J: Yes, Daniel I am fine.
D: Then why'd you stop?
J: For you.
D: What do you mean?

Joey shook his head. I smiled back in confusion.

J: Do you really think it's a good idea to go in those woods, right when you just learned how to ride?
D: Oh!
J: Do you?
D: Well we could try.
J: I'd rather not.

I whined, turning my bike around. Joey hopped back on his bike, and raced back to the playground.

I peddled as fast as I could, making my ears numb from the wind.


I peddled even faster up the path, my heart racing due to how excited I was.

Joey peddled farther away, glimpsing back at me every other pedal. My speed continued to increase until I saw a turn up ahead.

I squeezed the hand break as fast as I possibly could. I felt myself fly through the air, and hit something hard.

Then everything was black.

X: Let's take him back for an X-ray.

I opened my eyes slowly, seeing myself in a tiny white room, in a very uncomfortable bed, with a swan robe on.

D: J-Joey. Am I i-in the h-hospital?
J: Yes Daniel.
D: Wh-what happened?
J: You hit a park bench.

I shook my head in embarrassment, causing pain to shoot up my neck.

D: Ow.
J: You are about to go in for an X-ray.
D: I'm sorry.
J: Don't apologize. It happens. When I was younger, I would get hurt all the time.

I glanced at my arm, seeing needles every which way.

J: Fluids. Don't freak out.
D: How did you know I was afraid of them?
J: I stalk you.

I gave him a worried look.

J: I'm just kidding. I saw all of your info on your medical sheet and it said your fears from the last time you saw a therapist.

Joey grinned at me. He looked proud of himself for knowing little things like that already about me.

D: Oh. Well you don't know everything about me.
J: I know that you love Ariana Grande.
D: Okay now that was not in my papers.
J: Nope. You have her albums in your car with lyrics sheets.

I smiled at him and held his hand. Pain once again shot up body. I tried to keep my mind off the pain.

D: What the fuck is this outfit?!
J: I picked it out.
D: You had to pick the swans.
J: That one was the cutest one they had.

I took a deep breath and forced a smile.

D: And may I ask who dressed me?
J: I did.

Joey covered his mouth, slightly giggling. My eyes grew wide. I tried to keep my smile to myself but I failed miserably.

J: I'm just kidding Daniel! The doctor did.
D: Oh god.

The door opened revealing a ginger haired nurse.

N: Hi Mr. Preda, I'm Penelope and I am your nurse. I am going to take those out of your arm, and we are going to go to the X-ray room okay?
D: O-okay.

She carefully took out my needles and I pushed myself to stand.

D: C-can Joey come with m-me?
P: I'm afraid not.

I pouted.

D: Why not?
P: The radiation.
D: Oh, yeah we better let Joey stay here.

I laughed and turned around to see Joey's face red, from holding in laughter.

I mouthed to him, for surrogate purposes.

I couldn't help but smirk. I winked at Joey and followed the nurse to the X-ray room.

the quiet; jg.dpWhere stories live. Discover now