t w e n t y f i v e

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I awoke due to the nightmare and the soft coughs from Joey.

J: You're awake, you were crying in your sleep. You okay, Danny?

I wiped my eyes from both the tiredness and the tears.

D: I-
J: You're scared about the results aren't you Danny?

I sighed. I didn't want to tell him about Cameron, and I definitely didn't want Joey to be even more worried.

D: Yeah, Joey. I am.

Joey grabbed my hand and I lied my head down on the uncomfortable hospital bed.

J: It's going to be okay.
D: You don't know that.
J: You're right, I don't.

I looked up at the ceiling tiles looking at the paintings. Across the ceiling each tile had a painting from another person.

Joey looked up to and we read them together.

J: Look at that one!

I grinned making slight indents in my cheeks. The tile was decorated with a purple heart.

D: I am strong, and so are you.

I read it to Joey, as he squeezed and stroked my hand.

J: Cancer and I were at battle, and even though I was weak, I won.

When Joey read that tile to me, tears were practically making streams down my face, but soon wiped by Joey's thumb.

J: You're going to be just like her.

Joey pointed at the tile with the girl stick figure and grey cancer ribbon. (Lung Cancer).

J: I know you're stronger than you think, and you and cancer may be battling, but you will win.
D: And if I don't?
J: Danny stop.
D: No Joey. Seriously.

Joey jumped at my tone and expressed a worried look.

D: What if I'm not okay? What if I don't make it, huh?
J: Daniel I-
D: One day I'm not going to be here, and you are going to be all alone.

I watched the water come out of Joey's, now grey eyes. My heart filled with regret.

D: Joey I'm- sorry.

I tried to wipe his tears, but he pushed my hand away. He slowly got up off his seat, and exited the room.

Now I had tears down my cheeks. Maybe Joey was right, maybe I was going to beat this cancer

What if Joey's wrong?

I wiped my tears, worrying about where Joey had went. I made him so upset.

Before I could even attempt to sit up and find him, the door opened revealing a doctor.

It was a different doctor, good looking. He looked about my age, his hair slicked back with gel.

DO: You must be-

He looked at his clipboard giving me a warming smile, showing his white teeth.

DO: Daniel?

I nodded but didn't say anything. I sat there playing with the paper of the hospital bed. I ripped the paper quietly, wrapping them into little spheres and tossing them onto the ground.

DO: Are you okay sir?
D: N-No actually.

The doctor then looked sad, but still in a professional manor.

DO: And why is that Mr. Preda?
D: N-nothing.

I licked my lip, tasting my salty tears. The doctor saw my action and stood up holding his hand out.

DO: I am doctor Sanders, but you can call me Justin, okay?

He winked at me making me cringe. I didn't want his presence around me, but at the same time I wanted someone with me.

D: O-okay.
J: You can talk to me.

He sat back down and opened his laptop. I gulped, and waited for the doctor to give me the information. Justin cleared his throat.

D: It's my- boyfriend.

The doctor glanced at me, and moved in his seat, then cleared his throat again.

J: Your boyfriend?
D: Yeah, I snapped at him, and he left.
J: Is he still in the building?
D: I- I don't know.

My face was soaked at this point.

J: I will be back.

I watched the doctor, open the door, leaving his laptop with a smirk on his face.

D: Wh-what are you doing?

the quiet; jg.dpWhere stories live. Discover now