Chapter Four

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Within Temptation- Chapter Four-

Elena had been spending the last few days with Caroline Mikaelson and in another life time, if she wasn't playing the so far convincing role of Katherine so well, she could have personally seen her and Caroline be best friends. "So, the event will be held here." Caroline told her, pushing the glass double doors open and revealing the venue for the gala where they would be holding a celebration of Katherine's return and a very big reveal for Stefan and Damon's antique's business.

"Caroline, we can't afford this...I mean, how will Stefan afford this?" Elena quickly corrected herself, watching as the blonde flipped her hair back and smiled, looking up at the vaulted ceilings with the European style crown molding and the bronze painted walls.

"It's going to go on Dasells tab. Neither of you have to worry about a thing. I'm a professional decorator anyways and I'll be able to get everything done in time for it. I might just need to have Sarah help me out a bit. I mean, she's 6 years old. But, the kid has taste, just like her mother." Caroline told her in a proud tone, smiling as she looked down at her cell phone in her hands and heard Elena question the little girl's name.

"Sarah?" Elena heard herself say out loud, watching as Caroline gave her a confused look and flipped through her cell phone, lifting it up in front of Elena's face to show off her beautiful dirty blonde haired and blue eyed little girl.

"You remember my daughter don't you? I mean, it's been a while since you've seen her. But, you should be meeting her again in a little while. Klaus is actually meeting us here to go over the details of where things are going to be placed and tell you a little bit more about what's going to be happening here in the next few days." Caroline explained, watching as Elena nodded and took a step onto the dance floor on the right side of the large empty room.

"How many people are going to be at this event?" Elena asked her, pushing a strand of her long brown and curly hair behind her ears as she watched Caroline grin before she answered.

"Around 250 people or so. I mean, I'm counting the reporters and all the staff that will be needed for catering. But, as far as family and friends go, there will be around 50-100 people that really want to see you." She added, watching as Elena's face turned a slight shade of white when she mentioned the number...50-100 people, all packed into a room...Every single one of them believing that she was Katherine Salvatore!

"Oh, are the events I attend usually that big?" Elena could hear herself ask out loud, watching as Caroline tilted her head to the side and smiled.

"Are you feeling okay today? I know it's been almost a week since you've been back and all. But, Katherine. Your like a power house in this town, everyone knows who you are and we always hold lavish events because that's what you and Stefan want, you like to show off too. Besides, Elijah will be by your side for some of the night too. He'll be helping you write the speech that you'll be giving on Saturday. Although, he said for you to go back home and he'll pick you up later to come back here." Caroline commented, watching as Elena turned around to look at her, her eyes growing when she mentioned Elijah's name.

"He's going to be here with me, alone?" Elena asked, watching as Caroline nodded and began to clear her throat. But, Elena cut her off.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about my affair with Elijah? Why haven't you told Stefan about it?" She asked her, listening when Caroline exhaled deeply and sat down on a chair that was near the wall that they stood at, crossing her legs over each other and pulling down her short black dress as she looked down at her own hands, spinning her wedding band around when she said. "Because, you like having Stefan around for things like this...for public appearances and we both know that you would never leave him. He gives you things that Elijah never can. And, why would I want to ruin that for you. Plus, you're my best friend and you know some of my darkest secrets too...One that not even my husband knows about."

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