Chapter Thirty-Nine

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A/N: I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading and for keeping me going with this story. I couldn't have done it without you all. 39 chapters and still going strong. WOW! You guys rock. Also, I will be starting school in a few short weeks which will be making my updates a bit spaced out. However, I will be making a sure to work on them still. :)

Without further delay, chapter 39!


Within Temptation- Chapter Thirty-Nine

"We should have just kept you in London." Rebekah quipped, taking a seat across from her mother as Esther gave her an unpleasant look. Rebekah watched her mother lean forward, taking one of her hands and putting it on her knee.

"I'm here for you, Rebekah. And, I'm not leaving as much as you'd want me to. I am here to stay until the baby is born." Esther commented, her eyes shining as she watched her daughter nearly choke on the water in her mouth.

Rebekah swallowed it down before she lifted her gaze to meet her mother's. "Fine, here for me. Okay. But, we're not going to rebuild our relationship that easily, mother. Let's just hope that when my baby is born that you do a better job being a grandmother than you were at being a mother yourself."

Esther took a step forward, placing her hand on to her daughter's shoulder, trying to stop her from leaving and forcing her to look up at her. "I did the best that I could with everything I had left. I raised you all the best that I could. You'll see what it's like one day, when he decides to leave and doesn't come back." Esther told her, referring to her deceased husband.

"At least he loved us. He changed your life too. You were just a poor little girl and then daddy came in and swept you off your feet. Once the money ran dry and he died. You were already making a new name for yourself and it was like daddy never existed. So, don't tell me what it's going to be like for me and Damon. Because, he'd never leave and I'd never leave him. The difference between us mother is that my relationship with him is a solid one. And your relationship with daddy, wasn't." She stated, crossing her arms over her chest and glancing out towards Damon as he blew her a kiss. He loved her, she knew that and she couldn't wait to start their lives together with their child.

"I loved you too. You know that I did and that I still do." Esther said, locking her eyes on her daughter and pulling her into a tight hug as Rebekah exhaled deeply, feeling the baby kick just as she backed away from her mother, she couldn't help hiding the smile from her face. She gasped a bit, taking Esther's hand and placing it on her stomach. "Did you feel that?" She asked, trailing her mom's hand against her belly as she felt another strong kick.

Esther nodded, glancing up at her daughter with tears in her eyes. "I'm here for you sweetheart and I'm sorry for everything that happened in the past. But, I promise you that from now on that things will be better and I'll be here for the baby and for you whenever you need me." She told her honestly, cupping Rebekah's face into the palm of her hand and leaning forward to kiss her daughter's forehead.

Rebekah opened her eyes just as Esther took a step back and they heard Damon slowly walk up to them, smiling and going straight to his fiancee's side. Esther watched as he placed his arm gently around her for support and she leaned her head against him, smiling up at him. "You should go rest." Damon said, kissing the top of her head.

Esther glanced up at them both, smiling just a little as she inhaled deeply. "You have a good man there, sweetie. And, I really hope that you both have a very happy and long life together with wonderful memories." Esther told them, pivoting on her heels and walking away as Damon gently guided Rebekah into the foyer near the staircase of the house. He lifted her tired looking face with his hands and softly glided his fingertips against her jawline.

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