Chapter Forty-Three

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A/N: Hey readers! I just wanted to say thank you all so much for allowing me to tell this story for so long. I have loved writing it so much and I'm really going to miss writing these characters. Anyways, with that being said here's the last chapter of "Within Temptation". And, thank you once more from the bottom of my heart for reading and reviewing, just all the support in general. I've loved reading all of your reviews and I have appreciated them so much!

Enjoy and please feel free to check out my other story "Dangerous Minds" if you want to continue reading stories from yours truly. :)

Within Temptation- Chapter Forty- Three

...2 months later...

"Have you thought about it, where we could live now that we're finally leaving?" Elijah asked Katherine, his arm lazily running up and down hers as they laid out on the patio, a fluffy and warm blanket under their bodies.

"It's going to snow tonight." Katherine mused, curling up closer to Elijah as he kissed her cheek and sighed deeply. "I was thinking Wyoming or something, far away from Chicago. We could move to Hawaii. I've always loved a tropical climate." He smirked, feeling her turn in his arms. She placed her hand against his chest and grinned widely. "Hawaii, hmm. We could live on the big Island and grow pineapples year around." She laughed, shaking her head at the thought before she added in. "Wyoming, really? I can't see you being a cattle farmer."

"I'd be the boss of the cattle farm, hire a bunch of people to do the work for me, darling." Elijah commented smugly, getting swatted on the arm by Katherine as she laughed.

"We could move to Europe, live in Paris or England." She suggested, hearing him laugh as he ran his fingers through her hair and they both glanced up to feel what felt like a damp and ice cold substance hit their faces.

"It's snowing." Katherine whispered, pulling herself up to her feet as Elijah did the same, telling her that they should get back inside of the house before they froze to death.

"No, it's going to be our last winter here, for a while. We might as well enjoy it." She smiled, pulling him close and feeling as he wrapped their bodies up into the blanket that had been laying on the dried and cold patio beneath them just a little while earlier.

"I love you and no matter where life takes us. I promise to be by your side." Elijah vowed, kissing Katherine's cheek while nuzzling his chin into her curly dark brown locks.

"I love you too." She said, tightening her own arms around herself and around his arms as they stood silently together on the patio for a while. But, the sound of Elijah's cell phone broke the bitter sweet moment between them as he took a step back and dug his phone from his jeans.

"Hello?" Elijah answered when he saw Damon's name flashing across the screen.

"Elijah, it's Rebekah. She's in labor!" Damon exclaimed excitedly, listening to Rebekah's older brother go silent as he exhaled deeply.

"We're on our way." He said firmly, hanging up and not even telling Damon a proper goodbye when he grabbed a hold of Katherine's hand and rushed her back into the house.

"What's going on?" She questioned suddenly, remembering that it was just the two of them since Caroline and Klaus had moved out last week and Stefan and Elena had planned on staying for two extra nights up at the cabin which their wedding had been held at, just hours before. Katherine had also remembered that the newlyweds were planning on leaving for their honeymoon in just a few hours from now.

"This doesn't have anything to do with Stefan and Elena, does it?" She asked him, her voice sounding a bit concerned. Maybe their flight had been canceled and they were coming back home, maybe Elena had decided at the last minute that she didn't want to be with Stefan, the possibilities were endless. However, the last one just seemed pretty crazy as Katherine shook the thoughts off.

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