Chapter Twenty

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Anyways, hope you all like this update and enjoy it!

Thank you all so much for reading. It really does mean a lot to me. :)

Within Temptation- Chapter Twenty

She didn't want to leave, spent the night in the many guest rooms of the house and in the morning, Katherine had to deal with the glares and shocked faces of both Damon and Rebekah from across the table. "What? It's not like I killed someone...Stop staring at me!" She snapped, pushing herself up from the table and looking over at Elijah who was barely swallowing down the orange juice in his glass.

"It's just...Katherine, we-" Rebekah began to say as Katherine turned back to look at her, her dark brown curly locks bouncing up and down with ease. "Save it Rebekah. We both know that you've hated me from day one. Remember what you told Stefan at our wedding? Oh, yeah...That we wouldn't last..That's right, I think that those were your exact words. I tired my best and-" She was cut off by the sound of a fork dropping to the ground, Katherine rolled her dark brown eyes as she placed her hands on to her hips and exhaled, glaring over at Damon who gave her a cheeky grin.

"Now, I'm sick of lying..Let's see...Hmm..Stefan has a drug problem that he's been battling for years and now thanks to him confessing it to the whole world, everyone knows about it. Elijah and I have been sleeping together for over a year and thanks to my twin sister, Stefan found out about that. And, Damon and you have a really rocky relationship because..Oh yeah, that's right- you used to sleep with my husband! And now, my sister's been sleeping with my husband and he's in rehab, while she's paying him cute little visits." Katherine said with a sly smile that quickly faded when she leaned her back against the counter in the kitchen and smirked at all of them, their faces nearly dropping to the table at her words.

"Did I miss anything or am I pretty up to speed with what's been going on here since I've been away?" Katherine asked them, causing Damon's face to go pale and open his mouth. But, with the nudge of Rebekah's elbow shoved into his side, he stopped himself from adding more to the situation.

"Oh and I have a question..Anyone want to care to explain to me why no one seems to be giving a damn about Jenna's antique business that's been falling apart, right under our noses? That's right, Damon. I overheard you on the phone this morning, talking to Klaus and you all have been seeming to ignore the fact that you made me a promise, years ago. To help my aunt out!" Katherine asked them, taking a step towards the dining room table as Damon cleared his throat to speak. But, Elijah stopped him.

"We've been busy. Very busy with Stefan in rehab and Klaus..being...well, my brother has been having some personal things going on.." Elijah's voice trailed off when Katherine locked her gaze upon him and she tilted her head to the side, clicking her tongue to the roof of her mouth.

"Well, I guess we'll have to figure things out without them then. So, which one of you wants to take me to Dasells this morning? I think if the other associates saw me that they'd pick up the pace on things. Since, all of you are clearly slacking!" Katherine hissed out, turning away from them all as she exhaled out a breath.

"If we're pissing you off, Katherine. Why did you even come back?" Rebekah asked her, getting up from her chair as she inhaled a sharp breath through gritted teeth.

"Ha, That's for me to be concerned about and not you. Besides, I thought that you and Damon were going to be moving out, Rebekah. This is my house, after all. And, you are just a guest in it." Katherine told her harshly, turning away from her without another word when she glanced over her shoulder, looking directly at Elijah when she added. "I'll be waiting in the car, 10 minutes. Hurry up, Elijah!"

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