Chapter Ten

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A/N: Back to the prologue..WE GO! Enjoy readers and Please let me know what you all think! :)

Within Temptation- Chapter Ten

It had been a few weeks since Stefan had left home. Which had given Elena time to plan. She had been planning on leaving, leaving them all just like the way she had entered into their lives, secretly without them even knowing that she was gone. However, he stopped her. Elijah, her sister's lover, whom Katherine had been sleeping with behind Stefan's back. The one that Katherine truly loved. But, just as Elena was about to pick her things up, plan her escape and never look back. He slipped into the room. And, that's when she heard it, the familiar sound of Stefan's footsteps. He was finally home and here she was, bags  pack inside of the closet, all ready to leave this life behind and to go back to her old life.

Within the moment she looked up at Elijah. Tears in her eyes began to form when she heard Stefan walking through the hallway and his hands slowly began to open the door to their bedroom.  Elena stood her ground and watched the open the door. She exhaled deeply and shook the tears away on her face as she opened her mouth and uttered the one secret that she had been keeping from everyone.

Elena watched them stare at her, curiosity on their faces when she turned to look at both of the men she had been making a fool of ever since she stepped through the doors of Katherine Salvatore's home. She couldn't take it any longer, she needed to tell them and so, it was all said..all laid out in front of them, her secret that was about to break and change everything between them all.

"I'm not who you think I am.  I'm not your trophy wife or a secret love affair to avoid the real problems with your wife. You're best friends and I am not her. I won't come between the two of you anymore. So, I'm finally telling you the truth. My name isn't Katherine Salvatore and I'm not this rich socialite." Elena shouted, watching as Stefan and Elijah both looked over at her with dumbstruck expressions on their faces, staying silent as she continued to release all of her truths out into the open and began taking off the jewelry that the men had given her over the time she had been with them, all of it falling to the floor. Just like her heart was in the moment, falling to the pit of her stomach. 

"My name is Elena Gilbert and Katherine is my long lost identical twin sister. I've been lying to everyone in this house for awhile now and I've been living this lie as Katherine to find out more information about her and who she is, why she looks like me. I know now though, that  we're sisters." Elena admitted, glancing up as the two men's eyes locked on her face and they stood in front of her not saying a word. Just allowing for Elena's words to sink in and trying to swallow the fact that they had both been baffled by the truth and by the woman they had thought they loved.

"That's impossible." Elijah stated, taking a step towards Elena as she backed away from him, glancing over at Stefan who looked as if he had just been shot through the heart. Elena shook her head, tears continuing to cascade down her face when she spoke. "No, I'm not Katherine. Because, everything I've told you has been a lie and I'm sorry. Stefan, Elijah. I'm sorry for hurting you the way she has. But, I didn't have a choice. I had to know more about her and this was my way in, into her world, into her life."

"I loved you. I told you things that only Katherine knows. We trusted you! Ha, of course you're not her. Katherine's different than you. No wonder you didn't want to sleep with me, you've been pushing me away from you and leaning towards Stefan this whole time because you didn't  want one of us to expose you for who you really are, a liar!" Elijah said, looking over at Stefan who looked angered, his face locking on to Elijah as he abruptly spoke up, leaving Elena stunned.

"You've been sleeping with Katherine? I should have known. The way you would look at her. The way she looked at you! How could you..How could she have not just told me that she was cheating on me! How could my own wife do this to me. I've been nothing, but loyal to her, I've loved her throughout everything. Elijah, you were supposed to be my best friend, and nothing was supposed to come between us. But, I guess I was wrong and blinded by Katherine to not see her pushing herself away from me and falling in love with you."

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