Chapter Five

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Within Temptation-Chapter Five-

"Katherine, Mrs. Salvatore!" The paparazzi shouted at her as she made down the street and into the venue for the event that was going to be held for Dasells and herself on Saturday evening.

"How does it feel to be back home? Do you know who kidnapped you? How does your husband feel to have you back beside him, the queen of Chicago!" Another person shouted at Elena as she turned towards them and politely spoke in a soft tone. "I decline to comment!"

She quickly opened the entrance doors to the building and closed them shut just as fast, leaning her head against the wall that was nearby and exhaling deeply.

"And, that's why you don't enter any building you go into through the front doors, Katherine! How many times do we have to remind you of this?" Elijah asked her, looking down at her shoes that she was wearing, something about her whole outfit seemed off to be exact and Elena could tell that from looking directly at her that Elijah wasn't pleased.

"You look like a street bum! What the hell are you wearing?" He questioned, pinching the bridge of his nose and pulling Elena by her arm, towards the same direction of the building that her and Caroline had spent a few hours in, earlier in the day.

"I'm comfortable in this..So what?" She said, looking down at her converse and the shirt she was wearing, it wasn't anything special at all. Just a plain black and white lined shirt that had the letters "DKNY" on the front of it and Elena figured that it would be fine just for a casual appearance and her meeting with Elijah.

"A woman like you, never dresses like that! You need to look your best and all times, for all of those reporters out there or they will bash you in the tabloids! And, what is going on with your hair?" He asked her with a laugh, looking up at Elena's long brown hair thrown into a ponytail.

"I wanted something different to wear, something a bit more comfortable. What's the big deal?" She asked him, looking up to see where they were going and noticing that it was not the same place that she had been to earlier with Caroline. Elijah had taken her to a large office room instead that already had a set of blue prints and a few designs laid out for them to look over.

"Fine, whatever. Look, let's get down to business. We have a speech to go over and write." He told her, dismissing the fact that his beautiful Katerina looked as if she had just walked out a thrift shop and not a runway show.

"So, where do we start?" Elena asked him, turning to see Eliajh roll his eyes when he sat down at the table and flipped open a file, looking up at her slowly as he cleared his throat.

"I want you to start with your speech. Come on, let's hear it." He commented with a smile, leaning back and gazing up at Elena whose eyes widened at his words. "'s goes nothing." She said with a smile, lifting up the piece of paper into her hands and reciting the words that were written on it.

The water was hot on her skin as Elena washed away the day's worries and leaned her hands against the mocha colored tiles that lined the bathroom walls in their room.

"So, how did the meeting with Elijah go?" Stefan's voice echoed into the bathroom, causing Elena to lift her head up quickly from underneath the soaking shower head.

"It went good. Just usually business talk. But, we got the speech done. I guess it helped that Elijah had already written part of it for me." Elena's hoarse voice trailed off when she closed her eyes and listened to what he was doing. But, it was hard to hear anything over the sound of the rushing water in the bathroom. Although, Elena could feel her heart pounding against her chest, her muscles all tightening and her head spinning in circles when she looked up to see part of the curtain pushed back. Yet, she thought nothing of it as she stepped forward and tried to close it shut, still trying to hear if Stefan was in the room with her or not. But, from the calmed and silent noise, she figured that he had left.

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