Chapter Eight

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A/N: Hey all! This chapter does get kind of smutty...So...hopefully it won't be too horrible. I tried to keep it as tame as possible! ;)

Here's CH.8. Hope you all enjoy it!

Follow me on twitter for updates or if you want to chat about the show or my stories at:Be_Passionate24

Within Temptation- Chapter Eight

"Is she mine?" Klaus asked Caroline, gripping on to her arm, watching tears stream down his wife's cheeks.

"Please, Klaus. Let go of me..Please. I'm sorry!" Caroline said in a broken tone, the air in her lungs feeling as if it had all been knocked out from her as she locked her tearful gaze on her husband who looked rightfully hurt and angered by her confession.

"I'm not letting you go and I'm not leaving here until you tell me if that blonde little girl sitting over there by Damon is my daughter! Tell me, Caroline and for once in your life be honest!" Klaus shouted at her, his short nails digging into her skin a bit more as he suddenly let go, his darkened expression falling when the unshed tears began to fill his eyes.

"That little girl that I've raised since she was a baby. I'm her father, Caroline. I've been there for every single thing that she's done. You know Sarah's first words were 'daddy' and they were spoken to me! Not someone else you had a one night stand with! So, whatever you have to tell me, will hurt. But, it won't change the fact that she's a part of me and I would die for her. She's my daughter, Caroline either way. So, tell me...Am I right. Is Sarah mine, is she my little girl?" Klaus asked her, gazing over at his wife to see her wipe away her falling tears.

Caroline sniffled back her sobs, exhaling a shaky breath when she finally looked up at Klaus, her glance intensely locking upon him as she uttered out. "I don't know if she's your daughter."

Her voice couldn't be found. But, somehow while grinding her teeth together, Elena whispered his name in a pleasurable tone. All consuming was the feeling of his hands against her heated flesh, the once curly hair on her forehead, was now dampened from sweat. Her hands gripping to anything she could hold, anything she could latch herself onto, never wanting to let go of him. Elena wrapped herself close to Stefan, her legs tightening around his waistline, causing him to greedingly pull her towards him. She tilted her head back, exhaling deeply and feeling as he bent down towards her legs, leaving chaste kisses upon her thighs as he achingly move up to the waistband on her panties and began to remove her underwear with his teeth.

"Stefan-" Elena whimpered out, it was a mixture of a moan and sigh when she heard him laugh a little, backing away from her to look up at her face. Her eyes closed, head leaned back, her hands weren't gripping him any longer. They were now holding on to the edge of the marbled bathroom countertop that he had placed her on.

"I love hearing my name leave your lips. It's sexy, the way you say it all seriously and in an almost begging way. But, really we both know that your cracking at the seams." He told her, placing her hands above her head. Elena's eyes fluttered opened as she smiled, leaning into him and kissing his lips once more, biting down with her teeth and pulling his lower lip into her mouth as she heard him exhale.

"No, I'm not cracking. I'm just begging you to continue" She countered, kissing him before he could protest, her seemingly calm hands working on the zipper to his black neatly pressed suit pants, undoing the button to them finally as she smiled to herself a bit, thankful that the belt had already been taken off.

"Stefan..." Elena said his name again, leaning towards his ear when she whispered his name this time, feeling his body tense when her hands felt his on top of hers.

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