Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: Hey guys! Just wanted to say thank you all for reading,following and liking this story. :)


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Within Temptation-Chapter Twenty- Six

"So, you seek me out. Why?" Elijah asked her, opening the front door to his house as Katherine smiled up at him, exhaling deeply when she stepped through the front door of his ocean side property, miles away from the hustle and bustle of Chicago.

"I needed someone to talk to, Elijah. Look, I know that I messed up with you and I'm sorry." She tried to say with an apologetic tone, watching the lights switch on as she turned back towards him when he closed the front door to his one level sprawling 5 bedroom house with an open layout.

"You screwed up with me? That's an understatement, Katherine. You ruined what we had, you hurt me and then you expect me to forgive you? I loved you, I wanted to leave this damn state with you and start a new life with you. But, you made your choice. You told me that you had a son, you told me that you loved me. But-." He stopped talking as he glanced up at her and saw the slump in her shoulders and the saddened look of regret on her face.

"Katherine, why did you come and find me...I told you..I made it very clear that you and I are over." He reminded her, watching as she took a step in front of him, tilting her head to the side and reaching out to touch his face with the palm of her hand.

"I know." She stated with tears in her eyes, inhaling sharply as they spilled over on her cheeks and then she said. "You're the only one who knows me, Elijah. the real me. You're the only person who I've ever been able to trust. I sought you out because I wanted to talk, about us, about everything." She told him, wiping the tears from her face as she watched him take a step back from her, leaving her hand still up in the air and her heart dropping inside of her chest from his evident rejection.

"What do you want to talk about, huh? The fact that you promised a future with me, that you had a secret son and never told me, or that you still haven't divorced Stefan-I mean, you don't love him anymore right, so what's the wait on that?- Or, the newest news- that you sabotaged your sister's life just because you wanted your old life back. Please, Katherine. Stop me anytime, because this could go on forever. You've done so much to everyone around you. Hurt them, mapulatied them, ruined our lives- including mine. I wanted a future with you, I wanted us to be together and now..I just don't know what I want anymore, I think I want you to face your consequences….What were you excepting from me tonight, aways?" Elijah asked her in a stern and angered tone. He was irritated, pissed off beyond belief anymore that the one woman that he had actually truly cared for could just waltz back into his life whenever she damn pleased and then, walk all over him like he didn't once mean anything to her.

He watched her jaw tighten, her lips purse together as she gazed down at the floor, staying silent the whole time.

"What is it that you want from me?" He asked her again, this time in a bit of a less harsher tone. Katherine paused, shifting her eyes around the room and biting down on her lower lip nervously because if she was being completely honest with herself. She wanted him. However, time and time again and after everything they had been through, he wasn't an option for her anymore.

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, taking a step towards him slowly as she slowly said. "I want a friend, Elijah….That's all. I wanted to tell you that I want a friend because I made a mistake. I did something that I shouldn't have and I'm starting to regret everything that lead up to it...Including everything that broke us up too. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for all the things I've done. And, because of it..I tried to redeem myself with something that I should have just let run it's course." She rambled on, watching as he locked his eyes on to hers in total confusion.

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