Chapter Thirty-Three

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A/N: Please follow me on Twitter for updates or just to chat about my stories and to find out what I'm working on next at: BePassionate_24.

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Within Temptation Chapter Thirty-Three

"What are we going to do with her! She's driving me crazy!" Caroline shouted out, walking through one of the many hallways in the house as she watched Klaus walk in front of her, turning around to answer his wife's question.

"Oh, I know. We tell her to move out!" Klaus replied, tensing his back as he felt Caroline's arms wrap around him and she leaned her head against it. "I'm exhausted, Klaus. Two times in the last week and for booze and cigarettes. She's on probation and she's acting like this isn't a big deal! What in the hell is wrong with her!"

"Well, she's sorely mistaken if she thinks that we're going to give in and let her do whatever the hell she wants. Honey, we're the power couple in this situation. Katherine hates authority, so right now..She hates us. Consider yourself proud." Klaus told her, turning around and embracing his wife as she leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes for a moment of bliss. But, the yelling from Katherine's room shattered Caroline's short lived few minutes.

"I'm not a play toy, Caroline Mikaelson! You can't just take me out for your amusement! I want out of this god forsaken house, this damn room and I don't want to stare at you or Klaus any longer..Ugh, the two of you make me want to vomit!" Klaus heard Katherine shout, slamming her fists against the wall right before she opened the door to her room.

"You're having a time out, darling. Relax. The next time your little ankle monitor goes off, it's going to call the cops and put you behind bars with the big girls." Klaus replied back in a teasing tone, smiling over at Caroline who had been up since 4 in the morning because Katherine had decided that she needed a cigarette and tried to take the car without permission to the furthest gas station away from town, sending her ankle monitor and the police to the Salvatore house where both Katherine and Elijah were staying with Damon, Rebekah, Klaus and Caroline.

"She could have gone to jail! She was outside of her limits and I just...I can't do this, Klaus! She's driving me insane and I'm feeling like I want to strangle her." Caroline commented, placing her hands on top of her head and leaning back into the red pillows that were on the brown suede colored couch, attempting to calm her already overly active nerves.

"Tell that to the judge who ordered us her temporary guardians for the next few months or the unamused police officers who brought her back early this morning!" Her husband hissed out, taking a seat next to his exhausted wife on the couch in the living room.

"She isn't making this easy on us. It's like she wants to go to jail for real this time and never see her son again. You know, she told me that-." Caroline paused, getting up briskly as Klaus gave her a confused look, watching Caroline extend out her hands to him so that he could pull her into his embrace for just a minute.

"I have an idea...We need to set some rules for her." She winked as she got up from his lap, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen from the small side table near her. Klaus watched Caroline write down a few sentences, stopping when they both looked up to see Elijah walking into the living room.

"Katherine's never followed rules, you know that. She's going to act like they don't exist. You're wasting your time, Caroline." Elijah stated as he watched Klaus get up from the couch, fixing his suit and grabbing his brief case off the counter top in the kitchen, leaning over to kiss Sarah on the cheek.

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