Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Hey all hope you all like this chapter update. :) It reveals a lot of stuff and it does have a flashback. Also, Katherine and Elena finally come face to face with a few more surprising twists. Thanks so much for reading!

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Within Temptation- Chapter Twelve

It was like the air was sucked out of her lungs as she locked her brown eyes on the woman standing in front of her. Elena's whole body was in shock, hands trembling, her voice somewhere strangled inside of her vocal cords as Katherine opened the door wider, a grin on her face.

"It must have been hard trying to live up to being me." She said, taking a step back before she added. "Come on in, Elena. You and I have a lot to discuss."

Elena stepped inside of the house slowly. It was beautiful she thought, marbled light colored flooring ran throughout it. A wooden staircase was to the right side of the entry and when she looked up towards what she figured was the living room, she could see a view that was breathtaking, a green lush orchard that looked like it spanned miles out on the property.

"Um, how do you even-" Elena began to say, watching Katherine take a step into their kitchen, placing her hands on top of the cherry colored counter tops, tapping her long bright red fingernails on it, looking down at her hands before she spoke.

"I've seen you with my husband on magazine covers, the newspapers too. That's how I know about you. So, how has it been, living as me?" She asked her in a snarky tone, turning away from Elena and Bonnie as she opened the refrigerator behind her and pulled out a bottle of wine.

"You want a drink?" She asked. Elena and Bonnie sat silently on a pair of dining room chairs in the kitchen and watched Katherine open the bottle of wine, pouring herself a medium sized glass of red liquid.

"Here, I'm sure that pretending to be me and keeping up the charade has been exhausting." Katherine commented, sitting down across from Elena and looking over at Bonnie. The two women watched as Katherine handed them both a glass of wine and smiled before drinking hers.

"You have no idea what I've been through because of you!" Elena said abruptly, the rise in her tone of voice causing Bonnie to jump a bit. Katherine didn't even look that surprised, she looked relieved almost, like she was thankful that she wasn't the only one being hounded by paparazzi or being followed like she had been ever since she had gotten involved with the Salvatore family.

"Oh, I'm sure I have an idea. I guess what surprises me and amazes me the most is how my husband didn't know the difference. You clearly act differently than I do. You see, Elena. Most of those people in that house hated me because I know how to get what I want and I'm a very skilled liar. But, you on the other hand, you're clearly not. You seem so innocent and naive, thinking that they would actually care about you. Even if you were tricking them into thinking that you were me. I'm sure most of them, weren't even that thrilled to see you walking around that house." Katherine pointed out, taking a sip of her wine as she placed the half emptied glass on the table and stared back at Elena.

"Bonnie, do you mind if I have a private word with Katherine?" Elena asked her, watching Bonnie nod and slowly get up, telling her that she was going to go make a few phone calls for work.

The sisters watched as Bonnie left and once she did, Elena didn't hold back her curiosity any longer. "Why did you fake your own kidnapping, Katherine! Do you even have any idea what you put your husband through? Because, you're wrong..a lot of them may have no cared about you. But, he does." Elena said in a harsh tone, hearing Katherine let out a small laugh, it was as if she didn't give a damn, like she wasn't that concerned about Stefan at all.

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