3. Day

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The girl that I and Eden just pass today... It just sink into my mind for seconds before I realize that there's something on her that I can't explain. It is not just a normal familiarity but... there's really something about her that I want to know.

I finally stops and catches up with her. Eden didn't try to stop me, really so I didn't even care if he would.

I called out, "Hey!"

She then stops and she seems to freeze for a while.

I walks slowly and stood in front of her. When I took in the details of who she is, I realize that she is someone that I've already known. At the back of my head, I could remember that I've once know her. We're so close before. When I woke up first in a coma and suffers hallucination in the first week... it's been her. But whatever we did at that time... it seems to be still clouded with a very deep fog.

"Excuse me," I started. "Have we met before?"

"No," she replied softly. I can tell that she's trying to keep something from me. "Sorry."

It's then that I frown.

I would like to tell her that she's not a really good liar. She may be able to lie to the world but never to me. I take on her details slowly—dark brown hair tied up in a high tight ponytail, and eyes of brown with gold flecks.

I sighed and then runs a hand onto my hair. "Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, then. I just... You look really familiar. Are you sure we don't know each other from somewhere."

I then concentrate to take in her face. She has something to say. Her hair, her eyes, her face... there's something really behind those...

That dream...

"I have known you," I muttered like I am only talking to myself. "A long time ago. I don't know where, but I think I know why."

To play safe, it's better to say that it was a long time ago. I can't give her the creep and let her know that she is the reason that I wake up last night in sweat and tears, jolting me awake like a nightmare, because she is there with me on that certain dream...

She is the girl in that dream...

"Why, then?" she asked.

I laugh as I moved closer to her. She was starting to blush and I can also feel that I am as well. "I'm sorry. This is going to sound so strange. I... I've been searching for a long time for something I think I lost."

"It's not strange at all," she replied with a tint of a shy smile slowly creeping on her face.

I smiled then at her. I can't help myself not to admit it that I think... I like her. There's something about her that makes it so easy to neglect any negative thoughts to run on my thoughts. She's like a pure light of positive ideas and feelings. "I felt like I found something when I saw you back there. Are you sure... do you know me? Do I know you?"

She stops for a while and seems to be thinking too deep with her thoughts. I can tell that she's calculating.

I've known a girl once in a memory. A girl that is very perspective with what's going on around her. She is also intelligent and doesn't dare to risk herself in front of others, she has a very good sense of justice to think of what's fair and not, and my memories about that girl, seems to be gone with the wind.

She then answered, avoiding my gaze, "I have to go meet up with some friends."

"Oh, sorry," I says and then clears my throat before adding, "I do too, actually. An old friend down in Ruby."

"Is your friend's name Tess?" she asked, like there's some hidden hesitation on her voice.

I smiled at her, trying to hide the shock on knowing that this girl that I dreamed off last night and just coincidentally meet on here was also on her way to meet up Tess, also a friend of hers. "You know her," I told her instead of asking.

"Yes," she replied softly. "I'm having dinner with her tonight."

I then tries to stare at her longer. It took me long and tedious seconds to see something on her eyes.

I know the familiarity were with the dream about her. But then I see something. It's like I can see the past or future on her eyes. There were the faint expression of sadness and love when I stare at her. And behind those closed feelings, I can tell that those two things are meant for me to see.

"I do remember," I say after a long awkward silence, I guess. "It's you."

"Is it?" she asked me, bewildered for a while.

"I hope to get to know you again," I assure her, softly and gently. "If you are open to it. There is a fog around you that I would like to clear away." I smiled and then reaches out a hand.

She had linked her hand with mine and at that moment, I felt something really strange. I've felt this hand before, I've held this hand before. The touch of her hand is so familiar against mine. My instincts are trying to give in and my mind is rattling for a move. I'm thinking of kissing her now but that's so indifferent of me.

Eden is watching, I assure myself. He should have been spare about anything if it happens.

But, really... her skin is something I already have felt against mine.

Instead, I just keep my smile much wider and says with relief, "Hi, I'm Daniel."

She closes her eyes and tries to much my smile. I can see something onto her closed lids. It's like there are tears starting to form on the corner of her eyes. She knows who I am. "Hi, I'm June."

In an instant, I remember... the picture in the simulation room. That's the other thing, she's June Iparis.

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