27: June

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When I receive the call from Pierre that tells me Anden wants to have a meeting regarding the people we are after — the ones behind the incident during the gala where I ended up hit by a bullet, and the ones who've been sending us creepy notes since then, claiming that they have Tess with them—I know that I must go. It is with a heavy heart that I leave Day behind, still asleep, exhausted from another blissful night. I, for one, also am. But there's no point in backing off, now that we are getting closer and closer to finding out who the real enemy is.

I stop on my way to Anden's office, placing a hand on the nearest wall to steady myself. My legs are wobbly beneath me, I can barely stand for long. I blush upon remembering how the night and this morning were for me. Despite all my military trainings, there is nothing that can match such activities.

What am I thinking about, in the middle of all this problems? I almost make myself punch the wall so hard it breaks my knuckles, just to feel the pain and wake up from the delusions I've been having right now. Come on, June! Now's not the time to think about such things! Focus on finding Tess. Focus on catching these people who wish to return the 'Old America' that even you know nothing of! Focus on the present! Don't daydream about the future...

A thought crosses my mind, instantly making my cheeks warm. The knowledge that Day and I can just run away, letting other people, Anden and Pierre and the rest, deal with this new problem. I remember that both Anden and Pierre offered the option of running and keeping ourselves safe for once. I can just take it and walk away, smack that idea into the minds of our enemies.

But not yet... when we all have our responsibilities to our people.

I sigh heavily and push myself away from the wall, trying to move one foot at a time, hiding the tremble and ache every time I walk. When I reach Anden's room, the guards he stations outside don't even bat an eye. I hesitate to knock the door, even though I intend on doing so. Anden's voice is so loud, so strained, even from the other side of the door.

If it had been for reasons unrelated to me or anyone I know, I surely wouldn't have hesitated to barge right in. But his voice rings so loudly, clearly saying my name and Day's... it is a different thing, knowing that all the problems that Anden (knowingly) and the Republic (unknowingly) are dealing with involve us. Their so-called "Champions of the Great War against the Colonies" ten years ago.

Anden has been so direct with his words.

"Are you insane?! Using Commander Iparis and Mister Wing as bait?!"

I stand right there outside of his door for more than a minute, before I finally muster the courage to knock. I've caught Pierre stops in the middle of an explanation, and Anden acknowledges my entrance. Upon closing the door behind me, I see their eyes wild with shock, as if they hadn't anticipated that I'll be here so quick. Well, Babel is closer to here than from my own apartment. When they recover, they instantly turn their gazes away, guilty that they've been talking about Day and me without our consent.

Pierre is the first one to get over it. He straightens and salutes, just like any soldier does. He greets me, his voice snappy, "Commander."

I merely nod at him, disregarding formality. But when my eyes meet Anden's, being someone much lower in ranks than him, I snap at attention, saluting him. "Elector."

Anden, like me, dismisses the formal greetings. Instead, he nods and sighs heavily, leaning his full weight back against his seat. It is just past lunch, and it already seems like Anden has had a full, tiring day. His hair is already a mess from all that countless combing with his fingers; His dress shirt is already rumpled, the sleeve rolled up to his elbows in a rush. It truly has been a rough start of the day. Well, it has been like this for all of us since this issue was brought up into a clearer light.

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