7. Day

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I and June ran off to her apartment just as we make sure that the one who attacked us... especially me is gone and out of our way. The guard stationed outside just acknowledge June and doesn't even dare to let me join June on her way in. We waited for the elevator for a while and moved to the seventh floor, where June's apartment is in.

She quickly reached for her keys and opened the door. She ushered me in and doesn't hesitate to close the door and didn't think of opening the lights. She hurriedly move passed me and told me to make myself comfortable. She moved to the kitchen and scrambles over something.

"You know that this is just a scratch and it won't be pretty bad after all," I assured her.

I hear noise by the kitchen wherein even in the dark room, I know that she is trying to find the first aid kit.

"You can open the lights, you know."

June didn't answer. She finally came out of the kitchen after some minutes, a first aid box on hand and held my other hand for me to draw close to her and sit down on her bed. "I wouldn't be needing the light, you think so?" She then grabs some bandages and ointments from the kit. "This would hurt, okay?"

I look at her hands and noticed a bottle. It was only when she poured some hot liquid that I instantly flinch in pain and realize that it is a rubbing alcohol. She continue to work in silence and didn't even bother to ask me at all.

"I don't want to be so straight-forward, okay," I started. "But I want to fill in the awkward silence roaming between us. It's good to know each other much better, do you think so?"

I feel her hands slowly stop before continuing and making up with the bandages now. I even try to look at her eyes and see the burning glow of gold on her dark eyes even in this dark room. The moonlight seems to create shadows on her window to the curtains and the other details of the room is hard to distinguish.

"Maybe, you can share something about you, June. Since you know my memory issues won't do the job on sharing anything at all," I told her.

I hear her sigh and finally tie a knot in the end of bandaging my wounded arm. She finally look at me and she caught me staring at her. But I realize by that time that there's something on her eyes. There's a certain familiarity that I can't distinguished yet and there's a beautiful aura with her soul that I wanted to learn.

"My past... I don't know, I want to forget most of it, that's why I envy you that you does," she started.

I try to give her an assuring smile. "But it's like you can control those memories that you'll lose. I know that there are also some memories that you don't want to forget. Maybe, your first kiss or first love or even your high school years."

She laughs at me whole heartedly. "You're funny, Day. My school life is much worse than those who can't go to school but wanted to. You don't know how much burden it is when you got to be accelerated and study in advance, making you the youngest from you're supposed to be seniors."

"Okay, so I'll remove the idea of school years as part of a good memory. I may consider it bad one. How about your first love. Guess, it's something most people won't really want to forget," I told her.

She looked pass me for a while before finally nailing her eyes on the floor. "I don't know if it is a good one or bad one."

"Why? Does the boy that you have crush on just flipped you off? Does he break your heart? You know that he needs to know that you are not worth it, and you deserve better than to be turned down."

She smiled at me. "I know that Day. I know. But it's just different... our cases, you know. It was just that I lose my brother that I just met him. I cause him a lot of pain and still he loves me. I know that he did. And I don't want to lose him. But still..."

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