5. Day

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She calls me Day. Which is just fine with me.

To begin with, I know at the back of my mind, something is starting to be cleared. It's like, I've heard that word before. Of course, it is a very common word in the dictionary and language of people. But for the word 'Day' be called and used as a nickname... it just brought back things. They were still blurred but at least, I am confident that that memory wasn't buried too deep to be forgotten already.

June and I walks side by side, Eden walks a step behind us. I don't know why but when I try to steal glances at him, he has that smile at his face. I don't know what his expression means. But if I'm to read it, I would want it to be stated like: 'I'm so happy for you, brother. To find the perfect girl to be with you until the very end.'

It hadn't took too long as well that we reach our destination. We've come by a small café at Ruby sector. I immediately notice Tess on one of the tables. Another person, a man was with her. I heard that his name was Pascao according to Tess.

"Daniel!" Tess called as she stood up from her seat and runs towards me to give me a tight embrace. She had grown up to be a pretty and respectable woman after ten years that we last met. Her childish voice had worn off and I could say that she is still open to everyone.

"Tess, it's so good to see you again," I replied.

She then let go off me and glance at Eden. "Hi, Eden," she greeted with a wave and a huge smile plastered on her face.

Eden looks up at her and just nods with a smile as well, as a greeting.

"I find a friend of yours on my way here," I started, acknowledging June's presence.

Tess glances at June and at the briefest second, I guess I saw Tess' expression changes to sadness. But it was all in a blink of an eye, like I'm just imagining that it happened in the first place. Tess then sat down and June smiled at her as she settled beside Tess. "Actually, I asked June if she won't mind if I would invite you and Eden."

I smiled at her and then look at June who seems to pay no attention with what we are talking about. I then sat down beside June, Eden next to me and beside him is Pascao.

June glances at my direction for a while before turning to look at Tess. I can see June's cheeks starting to flush bright red. I don't know why, and I don't want to think that I was the cause of her blushing. Although I can say that, I can be selfish with that simple thought in mind. Because I can honestly tell and admit it now in myself and to anyone that June is different from other girls that I met for the past ten years. She's build up like iron and stone but she's still vulnerable and fragile... and I like her.

"We don't really get to celebrate June's birthday because she was mostly busy when this day every year comes. And I know that she won't really mind having you two here, right June?" Tess stated and then turns to June.

It took me some seconds before Tess' words processed in my mind. "Today's your birthday?!" I asked surprisingly as I turn to look at June.

I can tell that she was surprised to see me react that way. She slowly look at me and I can tell that my reaction just causes her to blush more. "Yes."

Eden then greeted behind me, "Happy Birthday, June."

"Thank you," June replied solemnly with a shy smile.

"I should have known," I muttered to myself.

"What?" June suddenly asked.

I then glared up at her, fast enough, I fear that she caught up with my words and say that I'm attracted to her and all I will wish of her is to kiss her so badly and end up bedding her. But I certainly don't want to end her birthday night that way though. If something like that is going to happen, wherein I'm very sure that won't happen, well at least... I'll give her something that is worth remembering.

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