13: Day

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She just leaves without any other word or argument... which makes me wonder how true her words are.

'I, who had been with you those ten years ago before you lost them, am the only person who would know that you have this debt yet to be paid. And I, who had been with you during those incidents, would have even the tiniest of idea who these people are!'

It's just like yesterday, I get the feeling that I just simply know her. I always feel I am under the hallucination of what I am currently experiencing. But then, I've never heard anything that really makes sense until June became so angry and afraid at the same time that she immediately spilled it out.

She knows who I am. After all, she knows me more than I know myself for the events that had happened before those ten years I lived under the fog with nothing but the mysterious past haunting me until now.

When I'm left alone with the Elector in his room, I see that the Elector is shaking his head in disappointment and also in worry. And when he notices me looking at him attentively and alert, "I'm so sorry on how Commander Iparis took the scenario heads on. You don't know how troubling her past has been for her to be like that."

"Her past?" I immediately ask. Then I realize that a past is someone's private life. And that asking someone about other's past means stepping beyond the line. The Elector is supposed to protect June's privacy, to keep her past a secret.

The Elector sighs, leans back heavily onto his seat and stares at the white plain ceiling of his office. "It's troubling for her. A disaster if it had been me on her place at her age back then." He then shifts onto his seat and looks at me. "Her older brother died, you know. She was just fifteen that time. Their parents had died before she even got to know them fully, probably when she was just a little kid. And after losing her only remaining blood relative, she seeked revenge only to find that she was moving on the wrong track."

"Wrong track? It doesn't seem to apply onto her nature," I reply, as a matter of fact.

The Elector smiles lightly but it doesn't meet his eyes, just a humorless smile. "You don't know a lot about her. She endured so much through-out her teenage years. A boy even left her alone without knowing he'd done so. I can't blame the boy though if he needed to leave... for the better I guess, at that time though, I know that it was for the better."

I simply nod, trying to process everything in my mind. I want to punch that boy—if only he were in front of me.

I want to make him realize how wrong he had been to do that to June.

The moment that I saw June yesterday, I knew that she deserves a lot of things. And being left alone by any boy is something she is clearly not worth of.

"So, about the pictorial later evening... I'll just let you be aware of it, Mr. Wing," the Elector states, shifting the subject to a much professional and business-like matter. "I'll make sure to have one designer sent on to you, to attend and prepare you for the evening ball today."

"Thank you very much," I state plainly.

* * *      

It takes another thirty minutes and I'm finally out of the Elector's office. I don't expect that I'll see June outside of the room waiting so I am not surprised when I find out that she's no longer there. But instead, the one waiting outside is my younger brother, Eden.

I didn't expect him to be there, waiting for me after all.

"Eden," I say, the moment that I see him there, standing by the wall across the door.

He looks up at me and I can see from his blue eyes that he is trying to tell me something. His expression is so foreign to me, as if he'd lost a billion notes in a single bet.

"What's wrong?" I immediately ask. Worry courses in my system, preparing myself for any bad news he is about to tell me.

He sighs for a moment and buries his hands deep onto his pants' pockets. "Brother, can I talk to you?"

"Sure. About what? You know that you can tell me anything, you know?" I reply as I try to give him a smile, trying to cheer up the mood.

But hell no, he is so serious that it is almost killing me what is really wrong with him, why does he need to be that so dead placid and calm, as if he has done something wrong waiting for any punishment or scold I will give him. Yet, he knows better. Eden knows better that I've never tried even for once to hurt him physically or with my words.

I let him be silent on his own through-out our walk and the drive through a series of road and streets through-out Los Angeles. Down the Lake sector and to the Gem sectors. His stillness and how quiet he is right now is already too much. Eden doesn't even say a single word after that question, until we stop by a café and ordered coffee for the two of us.

The moment that our orders arrive, he lets his hands meet and leans his arms heavily onto the table. His eyes are fixed on the hot coffee mugs that stand between us.

I want to ask him what's wrong when Eden finally talks. "Daniel, I don't know if this is the right time to tell you about..." He sighs and his eyes are still not meeting mine. "I've been wanting to let you know all these things for years, ever since you lost them— but I've never had the right time to tell you."

"You're talking about my memories, right?" I ask him immediately, realizing that it has been troubling him ever since I woke up from a coma ten years ago.

He nods. "I don't know how much I know about you to admit, you know? But still, she is right that I have the right to tell you everything as your brother. Not because you trust me more than her, but because she just doesn't know how to let you know about all of it without... hurting you."

"She?" I snicker. "You're talking about June, am I right?"

Eden nods again and even now, he won't even look directly at me. He just grabs his mug and sips a few before bringing it down. He sighs and starts again, "She asked me to let you know about all of it. She thinks that she doesn't have the right to do it."

"Go on then," I reply. "It will give me a clear answer of who we are in the past. Why on earth I feel such a sudden attraction to her? And why do I..." I stop for a moment but I can't find the perfect word to continue my question. Maybe, it is the perfect word already, that's why. "Why do I love her upon our meeting?"

Eden finally meets my eyes.

I can see that he is thinking if he should answer immediately or how should he start his account of a past that is long gone, a history that I thought I would never know or even discover. To me, my memory is like a long forgotten ruin to an archaeologist. You'll need to brush clean of the dirt and sand to find out whatever lies beneath the mess.

And even as fragile and brief as it seems, Eden answers, "You were hers and she was yours."

* * *

A/N: Guys, I need your help. Kindly see, read, subscribe, comment and like my works in tapas. Will you? Please? If you do, find me in tapas as Sydney Flaire. Doing so is a huge help to me! Thank you so much!

Another thing, I've uploaded another LEGEND story, or rather, more of one-shots based on requests entitled As You Wish. Please support it as much as how you support this fanfiction as well. There, you can request anything you wish based to our favourite pairing: Day and June. Strictly. As of the moment, the requests that will be posted will be those from fanfiction as well. But if the requests will be too many, perhaps I'll speed up with writing!

Thank you! :D

Carry Me Home - A LEGEND trilogy (Marie Lu) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now