9: Day

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I don't know what I am doing.

I just fall with a sudden and unbreakable potion. I know that I'm being paranoid by the idea. But then, I can't stop. I can't let my urges to rise and stop me at the same time. Everything I know is like they were meant to be like that.

And I know that it must be on this way.

The moment that my hands touch June's skin, I suddenly feel a repulsive response. It's like, the idea that our skin makes impact is a long history. It's like it already happened before.

Yet, again, I assured myself, I've got a very long history back then. I only know a few about how my life was before I lose them.

And June's words...

'No, Day. I love you. You don't know how much I've already lost just to find that boy back.'

At first, I don't know who she is talking about. I even have to admit that I feel jealousy rushing in my system when I hear her say those words. But her final statement just make it much harder to accept what I am thinking and what I really thought of.

'And now, I finally hear him say those words to me again.'

I know that I've already met June before. But what troubles me is that I haven't even told anyone that I love them, except... her.

* * *

The moment I woke up, only to find out that it is just four o'clock in the morning and finding myself on June's bed, I try to steady my breathing. I try to think why things have been so familiar.

What's with her that makes me think that she is so special, that ended me to decide on sleeping with her on the very first day of our just meeting?

But maybe... I allowed myself to give in because it wasn't really our first?

I notice June still sleeping beside me. Her sleeping figure is so innocent, so dream-like and beautiful.

I then trailed down my fingers slowly that lines her spine, moving upwards to reach the base of her neck. I then surrounds my arms around her waist and plants a kiss by the side of her neck, before burying my face against her back. I took on her smell, her fragrance is trying to make me remember when is the last time that I smell that kind of perfume, to whom did I?

I wanted to remember, I begged myself. But how?

When June glance at me, I can see a familiarity. When she is all collected, I don't know if my brain is playing tricks with me.

Before I know it, I've fallen asleep again.

* * *  

The next time I woke up, June was already up, fixing herself in front of a mirror, dressed in the black robes of a commander. She noticed me stirring from sleep, still naked with only the white soft blankets passing by my waist and to my legs.

June turned to me with a smile. "Good morning, Daniel."

I slowly sit up and when I blink few more times. I noticed how strange to see her wearing a military uniform, though I know that I've saw her wear a uniform like that before. But not as a commander's uniform. This one is indeed really, unsettling and reminds me of another woman who also wore those clothes.

Something at the back of my head aches. I got to see visions of another person wearing the same attire June is wearing now. Her read hair and menacing smile in front of me when I'm in mercy.

I grunt.

"Hey, are you alright?" June asked me as she moves closer to me on bed. She sat down beside me and her hand is placed just above mine.

"No, I'm fine," I assured her. "I just got some visions of few memories, I guess. But it's now gone."

June then nods at me. "Guess it would be better if you wear off the sleep away from you." She then stood up and about to go back in front of the mirror to continue smoothing down her hair.

But I immediately reach out and grasp her hand. Stopping her firmly and she immediately turn to look at me. I know that I caught her by surprise. "Hey, I got to ask you with few questions if you'll allow me, June. Please, I just really need to know because it's really unsettling me. You see, I don't know why I let what happened last night happened. If you could tell me, just let me know."

"Daniel, I'm sorry but—"

I pull her closer to me that she frantically falls to sit down beside me. She's so close that I can feel my breathing becoming faster and her cheeks flushing to a blush. "Please, June. Just answer one question, who are we before I lose my memories?"

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