Two drunk idiots

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This story has been going for exactly one year!! There's a lot going on in this chapter, I think you guys will really like this one. It might be confusing though, so try to stay with me ;)

For a few weeks, he'd sneak out. He'd leave at random times and wouldn't return for a while. Nellie would occasionally ask him where he was going, but she knew his answer was always a lie. He'd give her some stupid excuse, she couldn't understand why he wouldn't just tell her the truth about where he was going. Sweeney wasn't the type of person to secretly be visiting a woman, and he most certainly wasn't the type of person to lie to Nellie. Something strange was going on, but what was even stranger is that one day Anthony went with him. The following day Anthony and Johanna went with him and the day after that, Anthony, Johanna, and Toby all went. Nellie sort of expected some type of invitation since she was the only person in the house who hadn't been invited to where ever the hell it was they'd sneak off to. But she never got one. She found it odd that they'd sneak off in broad daylight, one time she even saw Anthony carrying a hammer.

Now she sat alone in her shop, the four of them were out doing God only knows what. Buttons sat on her lap, he also hasn't been invited to go with them. "Buttons, you're the only thing I can trust." She told him as she petted his soft fur.

After a few hours, the four of them finally returned, Nellie's eyes widened when she saw Toby carrying a big saw.

"Sweeney come here." She said sternly as she grabbed Todd's wrist and pulled him to the living room. "I know you've been sneaking off for weeks and I haven't really questioned you about it, I don't even really want to know what you're doing or why you're doing it but right now there is a sharp saw in my Toby's hands and it concerns me." She whispered anxiously.

"It's not..."

"Oh God Sweeney please tell me you're not out murdering people." Todd laughed at her statement, but Nellie was very serious.

"Calm down Nell, no one is getting murdered. And I always supervise Toby when he has the saw."

"You're not supervising him right now." She crossed her arms.

"That's because you pulled me away."

"I pulled you away because Toby shouldn't be holding a sharp tool."

"You do realize he lived in a workhouse, right?"

"Stop arguing with me."

"I'm not arguing with you, you're arguing with me."

"No, you're arguing with me. So stop it."

"You brought it up, so you started it, so really you're arguing with me."

"I brought it up because you gave Toby a saw."

"And I supervised Toby with said saw until you pulled me away."

Nellie rolled her eyes "you know you really annoy me sometimes."

Todd glared down at her "the feeling is mutual, darling." They glared at each other for about two more seconds before walking away from each other in opposite directions, tired of bickering.

That night, Nellie couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned and tried everything but she just couldn't get to sleep. Then she remembered how Sweeney got her eggs from the market earlier that day and she forgot to thank him, since she couldn't sleep, she figured she'd go thank him now.

Slowly, his shop door creaked open. He was asleep, she walked over to him and sat down on his bed next to his sleeping form. She nudged his arm "Sweeney," she whispered and be rubbed his eyes.

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