part sixty five

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*Two months later* 

                    These past two months have been kinda boring without Paul, I missed him so much. Tonight was the night were he was going to be performing in Baltimore, the night were in get to see my everything again. I was going to see him in concert and than we spend a night in a hotel, than for his day off tomorrow we'd go see both of our parents than so whatever before he had to leave again.   

                 I started to pack the car with the few things that we had, I packed a nice dress to wear for tonight. It was a cute navy blue dress that went down to my knee, it also made my baby bump look cute. As of two days ago I was currently five months in, but it only feels like three. I closed the trunk and waited for Alex to come outside so we could leave. I couldn't go by myself to see Paul because if I'm with him it wouldn't be fair to Danny leaving him alone and awkward. After Alex got in the car we headed off on our five hour drive to Baltimore, it was the only thing I hated about going there

.  *5 hours later*

                    There was still two hours left until the show so I ended up taking a nap in the car for about an hour until I could go see Paul. It was going to be difficult to sleep in the car because it was an uncomfortable place to do so. After a few minutes I fell asleep, but kept waking every few minutes, I guess it was because I was excited to see Paul again

.                    Later, Alex and I decided to go inside and find the guys. We walked around for a while until we found their change rooms, as we approached the door we were stopped by security. 

"Excuse me, no fans allowed back here." the guard said

"We're not fans, Paul is my fiancé and Alex is Danny's girlfriend." I said than pulled out my phone to tell Paul to open the door.

 Just than the door opened and Paul was there

"They're with us, it's okay." Paul said then Alex and I walked into the room

"How are my two favorite people doing?" Paul asked then pulled me into a hug 

"We're good, I missed you." I said still hugging him. I missed his hugs, the way he smells, I know it's only been two months but I've missed him. 

"I missed you too, it's been a while. I love you" he says than kisses me. 

"I love you too " I whispered

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