
Jungkook wants to fly.

He let's him fly.

But then, he flew so high that not even Taehyung can reach him.


It's raining. A shiver run down my spine as the cold, heavy droplets of rain pour on my back. But who cares? Who cares? Not me. I don't care. I stopped caring moments ago.

I wish.. my heart would stop caring aswell. No, it won't. It keeps on breaking. Shattering into pieces, until the only thing that's left to me is its dust. The remnants that I once became a fool. No. I am still a fool, because I just can't stop myself from thinking.. thinking why. Why would he do that? Didn't I give him all he wanted? Isn't it enough? am I not enough?

Maybe its all my fault. I held him loosely. I'm confident that he would never leave me, because I trusted him. I trusted him myself, my heart. But what I didn't know is that, he was slowly, painfully crushing my heart on his hands. And I'm blinded by him. Blinded by his smile. His eyes. His lips, his kisses. I've became so blind that all that I saw was the positive things about him. I should have known better.

The memory of him, kissing other guy's lips, it makes me feel like I'm dead. Seeing him kissing other man that's not me makes me want to shout and cry, but I didn't. I asked for explanation..

but with his answer, I wish, I did not.

"I dont love you anymore."

"why?" I asked, just to hurt myself a little bit more.

"cuz you're boring. you're just like a dog who follow their owner's command. I'm so bored when I'm with you. You kept on talking about the future which really sucks because I don't want to have a future with you. I don't want to have a future with a .. novelist who knows nothing but to talk about aliens, and spaceships. I don't want to be a laughing stock by having a weird husband. Honestly, Taehyung.. no one will ever want to be with you. You're going to be alone. Eat alone, sleep alone, live alone and die alone. no one will love you. You're too clingy, too whiny, noisy. and.. and I just fucking want you to leave me alone."

Those words.. they keep on swirling on my mind. Repeating itself until I can't take it anymore. And I can't take it anymore. I just.. want to die.

I can hear the flow of the river. I didn't even noticed that my feet brought me here. on the bridge. I stared at the fast current below me.

I climb on the railings of the bridge, and sat there, thinking what do the birds felt like when they were flying.

I guess.. I'm about to find out.

I closed my eyes, and let myself fall...


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