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(Pt. 9)


Beautiful.. this place is so beautiful.. I don't know where am i, or how did I got here, all I know is that.. I wanted to stay here.

There are so many flowers, and grass, and trees too. And the birds are flying happily up on the clouds. I could hear the river flowing somewhere, and.. a voice.

A voice that sounds oh so familiar. The voice I miss the most.. I turned around, searching for the most important person in my life, and found him behind me, smiling.. and how I missed his smile..

I ran towards him, and instantly hold on to him. I missed this. I missed his warmth, his hugs, his kisses. I missed the way he looks at me like I am the only one that matters to him. I missed his scent, his smile.. his everything.. I missed him.

"I missed you."-I told him.

He didn't say anything, I tightened my arms around him, waiting for his response but it didn't come. So I look at him.

He's fading.. fading.. and I could feel him slipping through my grip. I tried to catch him but I couldn't. "No! Taehyung! Please! No!!"



I slowly opened my eyes, and was greeted by two worried faces.

"Seokjin-hyung, Yoongi-hyung."-I said.

"Yes, its us. You're having a bad dream."-said Yoongi-hyung

  Dream.. it was just a dream.. I don't know what to feel. Its just... my Taehyung. My baby..

"Jungkook? What is it about?"-they asked.

"M-my Taehyungie. Seokjin-hyung, I-I need my baby. I want my baby. I missed him.. I want to see him! Hyung, I want to- I-"

I stopped. Because, what am I saying? No. Taehyung should not see me in this pathetic state. He shouldn't see me.. ever. He is happy now. Jimin-hyung's making him happy. Jimin-Hyung's taking care of him,  making him smile. I shouldn't take those smile, I shouldn't make him cry, and break his heart again now that it is starting to get fix. No. Don't be selfish, Jungkook. Let him go. You've got to let him go.

"Jungkook? A-are you okay?"

"Y-yes. I-I just want to rest."

They both nodded at me, then got out of the room. I look around me. Hospital. I hate hospitals. They smell like shit..

Being here reminds me that.. I am closer to death.


"Hyung, seriously, we need to tell him."- I insists, but Seokjin's not listening to me.

"Not now, Yoongi. You heard him, he wants to rest."-he answered.

"But-- hyung.. we need to tell him before it's too late."

He stopped walking, so I stopped too. He then looked at me.

"Yoongi, I- I can't risk his life for an operation that we aren't even sure he'll survive! Didn't you hear what the doctor said? Only 5 percent of the people who underwent that operation survived! Only 5 percent out of 100 is the probability, he'll survive! If we let them do that operation to him, we will lose him sooner!! And- and I can't afford to lose him this soon."

He's crying. And I suddenlt felt horrible because I think, I am the reason. I pulled him to me, and hugged him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry babe."- I told him while caressing his back trying to calm him down.

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