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(Pt. 6)


I stared at his sleeping figure, wondering how could someone hurt an angel like him. He looks so innocent, so fragile, so beautiful that all that I wanted to do is to protect him from everything that may hurt him.. hurt him more than what he feels right now.. but on second thought.. there's nothing more painful that what he's feeling right now.. I know it hurts more than any physical pain.. that you sometimes wish to feel the hurt physically, it is more bearable than this emotional pain he is feeling.. its killing him. And I hate to see him die but not dying at all.

He told me everything, til he started crying again. I know it hurts to relive such painful memory, but he has to let it out. He has to tell it to someone, and I am more than willing to listen..

Jeon Jungkook.. that guy.. how could he? I mean I know he's quite a brat, but I didn't expect that.. that he can hurt such an innocent fragile doll like Taehyung. I know I shouldn't draw conclusions right away because I don't even know the whole story but .. I cant think of any valid reason as to why he should.. cheat on him.

Maybe, I should talk to him.. yes. I'll talk to him. I glanced at Taehyung's sleeping form, and smiled.

"If he doesn't want you anymore, I am so willing to take care of you. I want to take care of you Taehyung, if you just.. just let me." - I told him even though he couldn't hear me.

I know it sounds a little hard to believe, but seeing him cry makes me want to cage him in my arms and be his shield against everything that might cause him more pain. I.. I like him. I really do.


"Jimin-hyung.."-he said as I stepped inside his studio. He's sitting on a corner with a guitar and some pen and paper infront of him. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you."- I answered. He just stared at me. And I was waiting for him to say something disrespectful, or something bratty, I was waiting for him to act like he usually does, but no, he put his guitar down and motioned for me to come seat beside him. That was when I noticed how tired and stressed he looks. He's also starting to loose weight like he hasn't eaten for days.

"Are you okay?"-I asked. He hesitantly nodded at me. "I mean.. really. Jungkook, you looked like you are going to die."

He stared at me. And he chuckled. I thought I heard him say something but he dismissed it. "Really, hyung? Did you just went here to check if I'm alright?"

"A-actually.. I kinda want to talk to you about someone."



I noticed that his left eyebrow raised, then he's suddenly staring at me with wide eyes like he just realized something.

  "W-who?"-he's stuttering.

I took a deep breath, and looked directly in to his eyes, "Taehyung."

His jaw dropped, then he's grasping both of my arms, "w-what happened to him? Is he okay? Is he hurt? Oh my god! Jimin, W-where is he?"

His reactions made me a little confused. I mean, he practically broke Taehyung's heart, and now he's acting like he cares? I mean, he's even asking if Taehyung is okay, or if he is hurt.. ofcourse Taehyung's not okay, and he is definitely hurt.

"Jungkook, stop panicking."-I told him, "Taehyung's fine.. I guessed. But he.. he's always crying.. I mean.."

"H-how did you even met him?"-he suddenly realized that he never introduced Taehyung to anyone of us or his friends.

"Well, I saw him. At the bridge.. trying to.. commit suicide."


I glanced at him. He looks so stunned. Like he really can't believe what he is hearing right now. "Yeah. And I kind save him and bring him in the hospital, then he.. he told me everything."

He didn't spoke. His head hanging low. Then I noticed that.. he is sniffing. And there are teardrops on the floor. He's crying.

"Jungkook, why- I mean, how could you.. how could you cheat on him?" I asked holding both of his shoulders urging him to look at me but he didn't.

"You-you don't know anything."-he answered.

"That's why I am here. I know I just met Taehyung, but .. I don't know. I just.. I want to know what happened Jungkook. I don't want to see him cry again."

This time he looked at me.. "y-you.. you like him don't you?"

I bit my lip, and its now my time to refuse to look at him. "It's fine, hyung, really."-he continued. "I would be happy if.. if you become together."

My brows knitted together. What's he saying?


"I love him hyung."-he said, cutting me off. "I love him that's why I had to hurt him."

"I- I don't get it. If you love him why would you--?"

"Because I'm going to die."


"Please.. promise me that you will never tell him."- he said.

"Jungkook.. I can't-"

"Please hyung. Please! I'm begging you. Taehyung is such a hard headed stubborn and if he wants anything, he'll do everything to get it. I mean, if you told him about.. about me, he- he might come and look for me and refuse to leave me even if I say so."

"Don't you think he deserves to know?"

"He deserves to know, but he doesn't deserve the pain that I might gave him when he saw me dying."

"But he's already in pain--"

"Yes, but atleast he could get over me before I even die. In that way he would not cry to much if I already left this world."

I heaved out a sigh. "Jungkook, you're such a---"

"Stubborn , little brat. I know, hyung. I know. Please take care of my baby okay? He deserve much much better, much better than you--"

"Hey!"- I protest

"But you're good enough. I know.. I know you.. you would love him right? You would take care of him. You would give him every nice thing in this world because he deserve it. You would not leave him, right? I know, you wouldn't. You wouldn't hurt him. You wouldn't die. You wouldn't.. run or escape... please.. please, I love him so much.. I love him so much.. it hurts to give him to someone else but there's nothing more that I can do. Jimin-hyung please.. please."

He's crying and sobbing and begging me. It's the first time I saw him like this. I don't know what to do, I don't know if I could keep this promise, but I will try. I'll try..


This part l, I think, is the worst part ever :3

Jungkookie I love you, okay?

And Jiminie, I know you like to end up with kookie, but sorry, your partner here will be taehyungie ^^

(P.s. this story does not have a plot so Im not really sure if I am going to let Jungkook die in this story, im not sure about the OTPs aswell)

Bye. Love you ARMYs.

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