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(Pt. 7)


"Hey." I looked at him, and smiled a bit.

"Hey." I answered. "Where have you been?"

"Uhm.. I went home."-he answered but he looks unsure. Like he's hiding something.

"Okay."-I just answered. "I actually wanted to get out of this hospital? When I'll be discharged?"

"About that, I talked to the doctor a while ago, and he said you can go home tomorrow.. but.."


"Uh.. nothing."-he said then he looked away.

"Are you alright?"-I asked.

"No- I mean.. Uhm.  Taehyung.. are you.."

I knitted my eyebrows. Why is he stuttering?


"Uhm.. are you really going back to Daegu tomorrow?"

I tilted my head on the side, trying to analyze what he meant by that.. " don't want me to?" -I asked jokingly, but he suddenly stared at me, wide eyed.

"I- Uhm.. what I'm trying to say is that, would you- like .. stay here for a couple of weeks?"

"Why should I?"

"You shouldn't. I mean, it's your choice I'm not obliging you, I just.. wanted to show you around.. here.. in Seoul?"-he answered then he once again looked away like I will somehow melt him when he stared at me for a little bit longer

"Really??"-I asked. "I mean, I want to but the problem is.. I don't have a place to stay.. "

"Y-you can stay at mine."

I happily beamed at him, "really? Oh my god! Thank you Jiminie!"

He blinked stupidly at me, then he broke off in to a shy smile. I also noticed how the tips of his ears have gone red.

He is so cute. I'm gonna call him Jiminie more often.


"Sorry for the mess."-Jimin told me when we got to his apartment. What mess is he even talking about? Everything looks fine compared to our house back in Daegu, well except for the unwashed dishes on the sink.

"Its fine." I told him. Then make myself comfortable at the couch.

"Wait here a bit okay? I'm just going to clean up the guest room." -he said.

"I want to help!"-I said.

"No. I'm fine. You're my guest.. uhm.. just go find something to eat in the fridge. I'm not entirely sure if the pizza's still there, but you can use the phone if you want to order something,"


He went upstairs, while I went to the kitchen. I found a half eaten pizza inside the fridge and used the microwave to heat it up.

Suddenly, there's someone knocking at the door.

I contemplated on whether I should open the door or not, because this is not my home. So I just called for Jimin, "Someone's knocking at the door." -I shouted so he cold hear me.

"Do you mind opening it please?"-he shouted back. So I hurriedly went to the door and opened it, just to be welcomed (wait, I should be the one who's welcoming, nevermind) by a man who has a really really bright smile.

"Uh, Hi."- I greeted.

He stared at me, mouth hanging open and eyes wide with, I could tell, is amusement. "Y-you--"

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