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(Part 3)



It was the first time he called me after he got to Seoul. Its been only 3 days, and I'm missing him already. I miss his smile, his laugh, his giggles. I.. I just missed him so much it hurts.

"How are you Kookie?"- I asked, trying to sound a little bit cheerful for him. He sounded like he was so excited to tell me something. He sounded like he was so happy. And I wanted to keep it that way. As long as my Kookie is happy, I could handle everything.

"Hyung! This is so fun! My co-trainees are super-cool!"

I just listened to him as he talked about every nice and not so nice things you can find in Seoul. I've been to Seoul, twice, when we visited my aunt, but that was years ago, I was 10 then and I'm 21 now, so I really couldn't remember what Seoul looks like.

"Hobi-Hyung is a great dancer too, and he's so fun to be with! I know you'll get along." -he said

"Really? Then I am looking forward on meeting him."

"You should---" I heard him heaved out a sigh, then there's someone calling him on the other side of the line. "Hyung, I got to go.." -he said, making me frown. So soon?

"O-okay. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"I love---"

"Bye, hyungie. Leader's going to be mad. Talk to you later."

Then he ended the call. I stared at my phone, at my lockscreen picture of us, and wondered why I feel so troubled.. as if there's something that's going to happen, but I shook it off. Maybe, I'm over thinking things again.

I smiled, because I remembered that he promised me that he was all mine. He promised me.. and I believed in him, because that time, I didn't know that promises are just made to be broken. No, promises are made to make you broken. Made to break you. And I'm breaking, piece by piece, and I'm such a fool, such a blind to see it. I guess love makes people stupid. And as the stupid I were that time, I continued to work day and night, just to be able to send him money. My dream to be a novelist have been long since forgotten. What mattered to me the most by then was  to earn money, to be able to give Jungkook everything he needed. I sacrificed all of my dreams just for him, because I thought, he deserved it, he's worthy of it.

I wish I did not became so blinded by him.

"WHAT?" -he shouted. "You're ridiculous! I was expecting it today! Taehyung I need it today!"

I bit my bottom lip as he continued to curse on the phone. I forgot to send him the money he was asking yesterday.

"I'm sorry Kook-ah. Mom was rushed to the hospital yesterday and it would freak her out if she woke up alone or with the nurses in the hospital. You know how much she hates that place."

"You know what? Just tell me if you couldn't do this anymore--"

"No, Kookie, I-I can. Sorry. It won't happen again, I promised.. just- just don't .. please don't leave me?"

I heard him sigh, then said "whatever. Fine. And it better won't happen again."

"Yes babe. Sorry, I love you."

"Yeah. Love.. love you too."

I smiled as I heard him say that. Those words meant a lot to me. He loves me.. that was all I needed to hear to stop myself from worrying over stupid nonsense things.

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