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Days. Weeks. Months passed. And he hasn't woke up yet. Doesn't even show any signs of conciousness.

I stay by his side all the time incase he suddenly wake up. Jimin came here every other day to bring me clothes and stuffs I need. Seokjin-hyung and Yoongi-hyung visits here too whenever they don't have work to do.

  "Here."-I stared at Jimin, then at the coffee he's offering at me.

"Thanks."-I said as I receive the cup.

"I'm.. I'm debuting tomorrow."-he stated making me look at him with wide eyes.

"Really??"-I asked.

"Yeah. With Namjoon and Hoseok-hyung, and four others."-he answered.

"Congratulations Jiminie!"-I said, hugging him.

"I- I kinda want you to watch our first performance."-he told me.

"I love to.. but.."-I looked at Jungkook's sleeping figure.

"I- I know. Its stupid of me to ask you. I am just hoping. It would mean a lot to me if you would come."

"I-" -I stared at Jungkook once again. Then I smiled. "Okay."


"Yup. It won't hurt anyway. It's just for a day."


"Want something to eat?"-Yoongi asked as he enter the room.

"Nah. I'm not hungry."-I answered. "What do you think Jungkookie's dreaming right now?"- I asked as I stare at his Jungkook's unconscious body.

"I think, he's dreaming about.. Taehyung. He's always dreaming about Taehyung."-Yoongi said.

"He must be happy then. Seeing Taehyung and be with him even on his dreams."-Seokjin said, slowly reaching out to comb his fingers through Jungkook's hair.

Yoongi smiled, "I gotta go get some coffee." Then he got out of the room. I sat down on a chair beside Jungkook's bed. Taehyung's not here today because he's watching Jimin's debut performance.

I caress Jungkook's face, then suddenly, his eyelids are fluttering open. I stood up in shock. "J-Jungkook?"-I said.

His eyes opened, and stared at me, "S-Seokjin-hyung."

"Oh my god, Y-you're awake!"

I called a doctor to check him up and confirmed that everything's fine with him now. "You did great Jungkook."-the doctor said to him. "But you still need to rest. Call  me at my office if something happened."

We all nodded, then the doctor left. "Did you tell Taehyung already?"-Yoongi asked.

"Not yet."-I said. "Go call him, I'm going to talk to Jungkook."


"Congratulations Jiminie!!"-I said, running towards him as he got off the stage.

"Thanks!"-he said.

"We're here too you know."-Namjoon-hyung said making me giggle.

"Congratulations guys. You did really great!"-I said as I hugged them.

"So, Taehyung, we'll be having a debut party in the studio, wanna come?"-hoseok-hyung asked, but before I could answer, my phone starts ringing.

It's Yoongi-hyung. "Excuse me. I gotta answer this."-I told them, then I answered the call.

"Hello, hyung?"

"Taehyung? You have to be here now."

"What?? Why? What happened??"

"Just.. just come here."

"You're making me nervous."-I said already running for the exit. Why should I come there? Why Yoongi-hyung sounds so serious? Oh my god. My heart's beating so loud I think it's trying to got off my chest.

"Just come here as soon as possible. I'm hanging up."


As I got off the taxi, I immediately ran to Jungkook's room, and push the door open.

And what I see.. surprised me.

"Oh my god."-I whispered as I stared him. Alive and well.

"Jungkookie.. baby."-I ran towards him, and I hugged him but he suddenly pushed me away and stared at me like I was some kind of alien.


Then he asked something that.. that breaks my heart all over again.

"I'm sorry, but.. who are you?"


This is getting more complicated.


Short update. Exam week's getting on my nerves. That's it for now. Love you.

P.s. again , sorry for my grammar. Didn't edit this thing. Bye.

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