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(Final Part)


"Welcome back."-Taehyung-hyung said as we got off the car. We're infront of an old fashioned house, there are flowers and plants everywhere. The door opened, and a dog excitedly run towards us.

"Soonshim."-i said.

Taehyung-hyung stared at me, "you remembered her?!"


"Oh my god. You're memories are slowly coming back!"-then he's hugging me. "I knew bringing you here would be a good idea."

"Taehyung? Jungkook?"- an old woman greeted us. I looked at her, then my head started to hurt.

"Eomma!"-Taehyung-hyung cried out, running towards the woman she called Eomma.

They talked about something which i really cant figure out because of the extreme pounding on my head. There were images flashing right before my eyes.

"Babe?"-Taehyung was once again beside me. "Are you alright?"

"M-my head hurts."-i told him.

"Maybe you two should take a rest."- Taehyung's mother told us.

We nodded, then he's pulling me inside the house, i noticed the pictures hanging on the walls, pictures of me and Taehyung. It made my head ache more.

We got inside a room,  Taehyung's room i guess as i noticed the bright colors of the furnitures and the wall.

"Take a rest,"

"You're leaving me alone?"

"You don't want me to?"

"No. Please, stay?"

"Okay"-he said as he settled himself beside me on the bed.

"There were images."- i said.

"What images?"-he asked, curious.

"You, You're mom, this place.. us.."-i answered.

"Really? That's good then!"-he said as he hugged me closer and tighter.

"Yeah. Its good.. its good to remember something about you.. i mean.. my heart sure remembers you but it means a lot if i could remember any of our moments together."

"Hmm."-he just said, tucking his face in the junction between my neck and shoulder.



"How's Jimin-hyung?"

He suddenly stiffened beside me. "He- he is fine, I guess."

"I hope he could find someone.. i know he'll find someone who will love him."

"Ofcourse he will."



"I love you."

"I love you more baby".


It's nice. Standing on the stage.. infront of so many fans and supporters. It's nice.. Tasting the fruit of our hard work.

"Good Job, guys!"-Namjoon-hyung cried out, while patting each one of us on our shoulders. He walked towards me, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good!"

"Yeah? That's nice then."

He smiled at me as he walked away. Then it suddenly hit me that he wasn't asking how am I feeling on this performance, rather how I am feeling now that.. Taehyung's not with me anymore.

Actually.. I felt sad.. and angry.. and happy too. Sad, because he wasn't here.. that he'll never be mine.. that he'll never love me. Angry, because I let myself fall.. but a bigger part of me is happy for both of them. I'm happy that Taehyung is happy, I'm happy that they're together now..

Someday.. someday.. I'll find someone. Someday.. not now..

"Hey, Jimin? Are you just going to stand there?? Come on~!"-Hoseok-hyung called out.

I smiled, and ran towards them.




"Let's adopt--"

"WHAT????"-he yelled, almost making the house shook. "Seokjin? Are you serious? I mean, we're not even married yet.. and, and do you want them to live in a shitty apartment like this? I thought we had plans? You said we're going to buy a house somewhere near the sea, we haven't done that yet! Seokjin, I'm not yet ready to be a dad----"

"Oh my god~ Yoongi~ SHUT UP!"

My face is so red, because what is he saying. "What are you saying? You're not ready to be a dad?! Seriously Yoongi? Do you want to be a dog's dad?"


"Well, duh?? I was suggesting us to adopt a dog~"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Eh? You're the one who cut me off and being hysterical all of a sudden,"

"Aish. It's so embarrassing."

"You're fault."

"Nevermind.. about the dog, you were saying?"

"Let's adopt a dog?"

"Why not? As long as i am the one who's choosing the breed."

"What? No! You're going to end up choosing an ugly ass dog who looks like you."

"Excuse you. I don't look like a dog!"

"A turtle then?"

"I'm going to choose or no dog at all?"

"Aaargh. Yoongi! You're so.."


"I hate you."

"Love you too, sweetheart."


Okay, so this is finally the end. Bye guys. Thanks for those who read this trash.

I'm going to write a new story.. title is heartbeat.. comment down for those who wanted to be tagged.

---p.s. can't think of a good ending.. so.. sorry ^_^v

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