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We just kissed. Like.. made out for an hour. Nothing more than that. I can't take advantage of him just because he felt like he wanted to forget or something. I love him, yes, but that doesn't mean I should just do things to him.. I want to do it with him.. when my feelings are already reciprocated. For now, I just want to be his friend.. bestfriend rather, because he needs me.



Seokjin-hyung looked at me, "Yes, Jungkook?"-he asked.

"That guy.."


"The one I couldn't remember.."

"You mean Taehyung?"

"Yeah. Him. Taehyung."

"What about him?"

"I.. when will he be coming here again?"

"You want him to come here?"

"Y-yeah. I kinda want to ask him some.. questions."

"Oh. Okay. I'll call him."-Seokjin-hyung grabbed his phone and got out of my hospital room. I want to go back to my apartment right now, but the doctor said I must stay until tomorrow cause they've got to monitor something.

  After a moment Seokjin-hyung came back in. Saying, "He said he'll come in 10 minutes. I'm going to the studio so you two could have your privacy."- then he reached out for his bag and left me.

12 minutes after.. (I'm not counting it, I swear) he came. 10 minutes huh?

"Hi."-he said, settling down on a chair beside my bed.

"Hi."-I greeted back.

"Seokjin-hyung said .. you.. you wanna talk?"-he asked. I nodded at him. Not really sure of what I should ask first or how would I start a conversation with him.

"Uhm.. so.. how are you feeling right now?"-he asked.

"I'm fine.. I guess."-I answered. "Uhm. I just wanna say sorry for like freaking out the other day.. I just.. its hard, especially when you literally just forget someone who's very important to you."

"V-very.. important?"-he repeated, I noticed how he blushed, he looks.. really cute right now, looking just like a tomato.

"Y-yeah.. Yoongi-hyung.. said.. you.. you helped me, to be who and where am I now. He said, you sacrificed your own dream for me to reached mine."-I said, dipping my head low, avoiding the intensity of his gaze. He looks like he want to pull me and kiss me silly..

But he just smiled.. reaching out for my hand and kissing my fingers, making me blush aswell.

"I will do everything for you Kookie. I'm your boyfriend---"

"Wait.. what?"-I asked because I couldn't have heard it right.. boyfriend?

"W-why? Oh.. They.. they didn't tell you?"-he asked, the smile on his face slowly turning into a frown. And I hate it. I hate when his face falls just like that, I want to see him smile.

"They.. didn't."- I told him honestly. He then let go of my hand, but I reached out for it because I like the warmth of his hand on mine.

"I mean, does it matter? You.. you are my boyfriend.. and I .. I kinda like you anyway.."

Just that and the smile on his face is back.


"W-what are you .. doing?"- I asked.

Taehyungs packing up his things on his bag, and I'm really panicking, because.. is he leaving me? No. Wait. Why does it matter? I'm not his boyfriend.  But.. but..

"I'm going to stay at Jungkook's apartment from now on."-he answered, making my chest tightened.

"Y-you're leaving me?"-I whispered, but I know he heard it loud and clear, because he stopped halfway through fitting a shirt inside his already full bag.

He walk towards me, and grabbed both of my cheeks with his palms.

"I'm so sorry Jiminie.. I.. I love him."

"I- I know. Its so stupid of me to think that you're going to forget him and love me instead.. I know no ones gonna take his place in your heart.. I know you love him, and will never love me.. but please.. Taehyung.. Taehyungie.. please.. don't just leave me alone. I hate being alone. Don't leave me.."-I begged, tears flowing down on my cheeks, he wiped each one of it with his thumb, then he pulled me to hug me.

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry Jimin. I-- I love you.. and I'm so happy that I met you, but I love Jungkook much more. I can't live without him, and now that fate is giving us a chance to be with each other again.. who am I to refuse?? Jungkook needs me."-he said, I felt his lips on my head, then he's pulling away from me, he grabbed his bags, and made his way out of the room, out my apartment, out of my stupid pathetic life.

Jungkook needs you?

How about me? Don't I need you too??


I love you Jiminie ♥

Any Troye Sivan fans here? (I'm so F.ckingly inlove with him)



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