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(Pt. 11)


I turned to look at him. Shit. Its really him. My Taehyung. My baby.

"Taehyungie~"-I said, making him look at me. His eyes grew wide, then he's gritting his teeth.

"What are you doing here??"-he asked, anger lacing his voice. I felt my knees start to wobble. I really can't take it when he's mad at me. I hate it when he looks at me the way he does right now.

"Taehyung.. can we please.. talk."-I asked, praying to all the Gods that I know that he'll let me talk to him.

"What for??"-I noticed that he looked at Seokjin-hyung, "To explain? Ha! How am I suppose to believe you when you even bring that.. that guy with you!"

"Taehyungie, baby, just please.. please let me tell you everything!"-I begged.

"NO! I'm not going to listen to you anymore! I'm not going to let you to hurt me again! I don't want to get hurt anymore! Just leave me alone!! Do whatever you want!!"-he cried out then he walked upstairs leaving us. Leaving me..

"TAEHYUNG! PLEASE! PLEASE! JUST- JUST-- please.. please listen to me."

"You heard him, he doesn't want to talk to you. EVER. Just leave."-Jimin said. Then he's pushing us outside his apartment, closing the door infront of us. But I didn't paid any attention to him.

All that I could feel is my heart breaking, shattering into pieces, and it's all my fault.

My head hurts. My heart hurts even more. And I couldn't feel, I couldn't hear. I couldn't process anything anymore. It hurts. It hurts like hell.. and then everything went black.


"Taehyung?"-I said as I went inside his room. I found him lying on his bed, covered with blankets, and his back facing me.

"Go away. Jimin. I want to be alone."-he said.

Call me stubborn, but I don't want to leave him. So I walk towards him. And sat on his bed beside him.

"Jimin, I said--"

"I heard you Tae. But I don't wanna leave you alone. You need someone."

He abruptly sat up, making me almost jump.

  "Someone? And do you think you are that "someone" that I need?"-he said, even making a quotation mark in the air. I noticed how wreck he looks. His cheeks stained with tears. His eyes red and puffy.

I reached out to wipe away the tears on the corners of his eyes. "I know.. I know I'm not that someone you need. I know I will never be that someone. But I.. I am hoping. Taehyung, I am hoping that.. that you.. you will love me. That you'll eventually forget about Jungkook, and be mine. I want you, Taehyung. I need you. I love you."

"W-what?"-he asked. Eyes wide open with obvious shock.

"I-I know I shouldn't tell you this when you're in this situation, but I can't hold it in anymore."

"J-Jimin. I - I .."

"No, no. No Taehyung. You don't have to say anything. I just wanna let this out, I can't hold it in. Because if I do, my heart's going to blow up."

"Jimin.. I don't know what to do. I just want to forget everything about him, and I'm starting to. But then he will come in here and told me that he wanted to talk. To explain? To tell me everything? Call me hard headed and such, but can you blame me? I was hurt. A thousand times by him. You can't expect me to believe him after what he have done. He even brought that man- do you know him? The tall guy?"

"You mean Seokjin-hyung?"

"Yeah. He was making out with that guy when I came to his studio that day. And then he was expecting me to listen to him! Fuck him. Fuck them. I don't deserve any more pain. I don't deserve to be hurt because I've done nothing but to love him. To praise him. To give him everything!"

He's angry, but there are tears still falling from his eyes. There's a sudden guilty feeling within me. I mean.. I knew why Jungkook had done that to him. I knew everything. But I can't. I can't just give Taehyung back to him. I can't.

"Stop crying now. Everything's going to be fine."-I told him.


It has been 5 hours. 5 fucking hours and the doctors hadn't came out yet. I'm worried. So, so worried.

"Yoongi, what if he didn't survive the operation? Is he going to die? Yoongi, he can't die. He shouldn't die."-I told him, shaking his arms.

"Seokjin, just calm down okay? Everything's gonna be alright. Jungkook's a fighter, we all know that. He'll survive."-he answered, but he himself sound a little bit unsure, it was like more of reassuring himself.

"But.. he said.. Taehyung.. Taehyung is his reason to fight for his life. But he doesn't have Taehyung with him right now. He- he might just, gave up already."

"Seokjin, will you please stop being so pessimist? He'll survive. He'll fight because he is going to get Taehyung back. He's going to fight because he wants to spend a lifetime with Taehyung. Stop thinking so negative okay?"

I nodded at him. Maybe he's right. I hope he's right. Jungkook, please. Please fight for your life.


Love you guys ♥

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