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"Khaila," Jada called her daughter. "What do you want to do today?" She asked her. Khaila looked at Jada with hopeful eyes,"I want to see Mr. Justin!"

Jada rolled her eyes,"Besides that." Khaila giggled,"Sorry, mama. What about the beach?"

That was actually a good idea, Jada thought. Justin has to miss the beach, its been five years since he's stepped foot on one. "Alright, let me put your hair in a bun then we'll get your swimsuit and head out."

Jada put her daughter's curly hair in a quick bun

Jada put her daughter's curly hair in a quick bun

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and then started looking for her swimsuit. She searched both of their closets, but she just couldn't find it. She groaned when she saw it in Khaila's dirty clothes hamper.

"Come here," Jada told the five year old, laying out some shorts and a tee shirt. "Guess no swimming for you," Jada poked out her lip.

"Its okay," Khaila shrugged nonchalantly,"I'll just play tag with Mr. Justin or something."

Seriously, why was she so attached to Justin? She just met him yesterday, Jada wondered.

"Speaking of which," Jada grabbed her phone and dialed his number,"You wanna tell him our plans?" Khaila nodded and took the phone from her mother.

"Hello?" His voice answered. "Mr. Justin!!" Khaila screamed excitedly, making Jada flinch and cover her ears. Justin laughed,"Hey cutie. What's up?"

"Do you wanna go to the beach with me and mommy?"

Justin thought for a minute. He thought that the weather was perfect for a day at the beach, and he longed for his feet to be on the sand again. Also, seeing Jada in a bikini was just a bonus.

"Sure," Justin grinned. "But let me speak to your mom, please."

Khaila sighed and hesitantly handed her mom the phone. Jada just shook her head at her daughter's behavior, it seemed like she might've had a crush on Justin or something.

"Yes? Can you come?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to know how Khalil feels about this? Cause if it was me, I wouldn't like it. And I don't want me and Khalil to restart on the wrong foot," Justin chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. Jada shook her head and smiled,"Khalil isn't as possessive as you were, excuse you. He wont mind."

"Alright," Justin shrugged off her statement. "And you know you have to pick me up, right?" He asked, embarrassed. He wanted his license back more than anything.

Jada laughed,"I'm aware. Be ready, we'll be there in about 20 minutes."

"Okay." Justin smiled as they hung up.


"Look at me, Mr. Justin!" Khaila yelled excitedly as she ran towards him. Justin cheesed as he took a picture of the five year old on his phone.

He quickly put the phone in his pocket and caught Khaila in his arms, spinning her around. He'd only known her for less than 48 hours, yet he'd already fell in love with her like she was his very own. This only made him realize how bad he wanted a family, Khalil was very lucky.

"Catch me if you can!" Khaila jumped from his arms and sped away, making Justin run not too far behind her. He'll never catch me, she thought. "Slowpoke!"

Jada sat on her towel on the phone with her husband as she watched the whole thing go down. "So he just came back?" Khalil asked,"Just like that?"

Jada nodded,"Yep. Shocked the hell out of me."

"What was Khaila's reaction? She doesn't normally like strangers," Khalil inquired, sitting at his desk in New York. "Well she sure did fall in love with Justin," Jada chuckled,"They clicked right on the spot."

"Is that why I hear my baby screaming?" Khalil smiled. Jada looked and nodded. Khaila was running from Justin, screaming very loud. "Yes," she laughed.

"Aw, I would want to talk to her, but I don't wanna ruin her fun. Just tell her that daddy loves her, okay?"

Jada nodded,"Okay."

"Wanna know the good thing about all this?"


"We have another babysitter for when we want to be alone,"Khalil winked, forgetting that his wife couldn't see him. Jada laughed,"Bye Khalil. Go back to work."

Khalil smiled,"Alright. I love you, I'll call back tonight."

"Okay, love you too. Bye."

"Bye." She hung up and went back to her book. Suddenly, she couldn't see. Something was blocking the sun. She looked up and it was Thing 1 and Thing 2.

"Mommy, come play with us!" Khaila asked her mother, dragging her arm. "Yeah, mommy, please?" Justin teased.

Jada laughed and shook her head,"Can I please finish this book?"

"No." They answered in unison.

Jada huffed and stood up, wiping the sand off her butt. "Fine."

Justin lifted Khaila up and sat her on his shoulders. "Last one to the water is a rotten egg!" He yelled, making a quick one for the water. "Hey!" Jada yelled, running to catch up. But of course they beat her. Khaila and Justin laughed at her like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Haha, we won! Haha, we won!"

Jada cut Justin off by splashing him, getting him a mouthful of the saline water. Khaila gasped and splashed her mother,"Don't splash him!"

Jada was taken by surprise. "Khaila, you're my daughter!"

Justin smirked and shrugged,"So."

Jada splashed both of them and they attacked her right back.

They ended their beach day with a full blown water fight, and old couples walked by and admired the 'cute little family'.

But they didn't even know the half of it.



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