Chapter 30

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Well, here it is. The final chapter. *sigh* it's always such a sad time when a story comes to an end. This story hasn't been easy to write. So many times I wanted to give up. It didn't feel like it was working. But somehow it came together. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the final chapter.


“Oh. My. God!” I scream. “Oh my god! I can’t believe it!”

Ok so I figured Sam was trying to surprise me but this is the last thing I expected. Standing behind me, laughing at my emotional state, is Sam with none other than Nancy and Jason. Temporarily forgetting about my humiliation at being caught out crying, I run up to Nancy and embrace her with as much strength as I can muster. Which I’m afraid is very little considering how tired I am.

I pull away to look at her, making sure I’m not hallucinating, then embrace her again. We’re jumping up and down, we’re laughing, we’re crying. It’s a pretty emotional scene right now. Oh god it’s so good to see her. It’s only been just over a month but it feels like a lifetime.

“What are you doing here?” I demand when we finally compose ourselves.

Nancy shrugs and her face reddens. “We’ve had this planned for a while.”

I look from her to Sam then back to her and the penny drops. “That’s why you’ve been so secretive!”

She shrugs again and looks at Jason. I only realise now how happy they look. They were happy when I left but right now they look like they’re positively glowing. Now that I’ve stopped hyperventilating, I embrace Jason tightly.

“It’s so good to see you.” I say when I’ve pulled away.

I look at Sam and my two best friends and am overcome with a feeling of euphoria. Right now I am surrounded by my three closest friends and I’m so happy.

“God it’s good to see you guys.” I glance at Sam who’s gesturing to go across to Mum and Dad’s. “Hey, we have to go over and see my parents. You guys wanna come with?”

Nancy nods eagerly and Jason tags along.

As we walk out I say, “So you didn’t answer me. What are you doing here? How long are you staying for?”

We stand on the porch as Sam locks up and Nancy looks at Jason who nods. She says, “Our plan is to stay indefinitely.”

I scream again and embrace Nancy. “Oh my god! That’s amazing! Why? What’s going on? You haven’t told me anything, Nan, I have no idea what’s going on in your life.”

She smiles secretly. “You’ll find out all in good time, Em.”

"Tell me! Haven't you kept enough secrets from me already?"

Nancy grins at me. "Perhaps but this is too much fun. I will tell you, trust me, but not yet."

I groan in frustration and we start walking. I don’t handle being left in the dark very well. Surprises are fine, probably because I know something is going to happen, but when I don't know anything it really irks me.

Oh well, for now I'm going to enjoy having my friends back.

A wave of guilt washes over me. I doubted Nancy yet again. I should know her by now, I should trust our friendship will never be broken that easily. Then again, my hormones aren’t helping.

Thinking back to the moment in front of the TV, I cringe from embarrassment. Obviously I can’t control my emotions but I can try. At least it proves I have a natural maternal instinct. That’s got to mean something, right?

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