Chapter 11

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Jason's POV

Saying that rest of my day went bad will be an understatement. It was the worst Saturday in the history of Saturdays. No actually screw that, it was worstest worst day ever. If that makes sense. Well whatever you got my point. You did right?

I knew I will have to talk things out with Vi but I thought calming and thinking about it first will be better. So I came back home to supposedly calm myself. But who am I kidding? My life is no less than some cliché or soap opera. As I entered the house, my gaze locked on a very angry Samuel who was pacing back and forth and didn't notice me yet. Oh what a timing! The moment I thought I could sneak in without getting noticed, somebody yelled my name in pure rage. My day can't get any better. Sarcasm deeply intended!

Yah life!

I walked to him, my fist and jaw clenched. I was ready for another lecture on handling fame and the most amazing part is, I don't even know what I did this time. Yeah I mean it! Rumours you see. Sigh.

"Where the fudge were you whole morning huh?" he spat.

"Umm... to Vi's?" well it did came like a question. No don't ask me why.

"And what the hell were you doing there?"

"It's called hanging out with friends." I shot back in a duh tone.

"Well then have you read what your supposed friends have to say about you?" he crossed his arms around his chest. I narrowed my eyes.

"Go on. I am listening." I prompted.

"Well read for yourself Blakely and do something about this shit."

He walked away leaving a very frustrated me behind. I am tired of those struck up papz and media people who never leave a chance to nose in my life and make it absolute hell. I feel as if my life is just another movie, whole world has got front row ticket to it and they judge every damn moment I breathe!

"It's Ashley." Nathan sighed breaking the train of thoughts. I turned to face him.

"What did she do?" I spat.

"She gave the statement that you two broke up as she caught you cheating on her with a fan."

"What the actual fudge?" my eyes threatened to fall out of sockets. I passed a hand through my hair and tugged the ends painfully.

"F**k" I cussed under my breath.

"Since when is she such a bitch?"

"Well she is since I know her. It's just that you never noticed even when I told you and dropped hints." Nathan pointed out, frustrating me even more.

"Are you indicating that I am fudging dumb?"

"More like you are saying it!"

"Shut the fudge up now Nate!" I spoke through gritted teeth as I took threatening steps towards him. My nose was flaring and jaw was locked tightly. My knuckles were partially white with all the force.

Nathan put a soothing hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"See bro, I am your best friend and I will never do or let you do something that is bad for you. You really need to see through all the shit. I know you are trying and I know you are tired but really Jason, it's time to be strong. It's time to open up. You can't always bottle up and avoid your problems. We are here for you aren't we? Then why you don't trust us and share with us huh?"

"I... I don't wanna seem weak. I... I" I stuttered. He engulfed me in a bro hug.

"You are not. You are the strongest person I know. It's ok to show emotions."

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