chapter 38

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Jason's POV

"We need to talk, Simpson."

I didn't wait to see what it was. I already dashed in the direction of the room I was earlier.

I heard a distinct whispers from Cameron and yells from Violet.

The room however choked me with its sense of Violet. I immediately understood- it was Violet's room. Everything screamed Violet- the quotes, the book shelf, everything.

Why does she has a separate room?

I didn't get to dwell on this thought as sense of claustrophobia clouded me. Her scent choked me. I couldn't breathe and that's when I couldn't hold anymore. I slammed open the balcony door and let the tears blind my vision. I fell on ground and held my head in my hands. My shoulders were slumped in defeat.

I lost. I lost her.

But why?

Someone cleared their throat and I immediately stiffened. My eyes hardened, my jaw clenched and fists balled. I didn't turn but heard slow steps towards me. Violet slid in front of me. I didn't move. I didn't even look at her but I could feel her hands shaking, I could feel her lips quivering. I could feel her biting her lips to stop. And then she did something that made my senses snap to her.

She took my fist and placed it on her lap. I eyed her with a blank expression, barely keeping my anger at bay. Her eyes were blurred with unshed tears and her cheeks were moist with the remnants of traitor ones. But she was doing a good job in hiding them.

Suddenly my skin stung and that's when I noticed what she was doing. She was nursing my wound.

Physically. And rubbing salt to the emotional one.

I immediately removed my hand from her grasp as if it burned me. Hurt flashed in her eyes.


I thought but that emotion didn't make me feel good. My arms itched to engulf her. My lips itched to feel her skin.

She slowly curled back her shaking fingers before opening the first aid beside her.

I looked away.

But seconds later, a hand cupped my cheek trying to make me look at owner but I swatted it away. Her touch burned me.

This was enough. Just enough! I lost it.

"What are you playing at Violet?!" my voice boomed. She flinched and dropped the aspirin she was holding. "One minute you slap me and next moment you are nursing me! Just tell me what you want! Because I am freaking exhausted. I am tired blaming and searching for answers. Was it all an act? What would you do that for- money, fame or were you hired to kill me? Because you know what? I may be breathing, but I am dead inside! Or maybe it was indeed an act- you pretended that you like me when all this time you were love in with that ass-hat! That's why you always sided him. That's why you were so broken when he left and not to mention, you left 3 days after-"


Hazel eyes welled and the dam broke. I was breathing heavily but not because of anger or because of long speech. I was breathing heavily as the disappointment and heartbreak in her eyes, choked me up. Somehow, everything was forgotten. Every accusation flew out of window and that left me with one thing- I was at fault.

"Vi-" I began softly but Violet already got up on her feet, ready to leave me.

"Save it." She spat out and ran out of room.

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