Chapter 29

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Jason's POV

"Jingle bells jingle bells
jingle all the way!
Oh what fun
it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh, Hey!

I face palmed myself as I witnessed my two nutcase of best friends jumping around on couches singing carols. Don't take me wrong. I love them to moon and back but with the horrible voices they are gifted with, I might even consider strangling them right now.

Out of nowhere Violet jumped on my back, strangling me on ground. Nate taking this as his cue too landed on me with a thud, totally crushing me from back. I swear I heard a crack.

Somebody give me a gun to shoot both of them.

"I am never letting you have chocolate again. I swear." I groaned before rolling both of them off my back.

"Jay-Jay!" she whined. I held back an eye-roll at the new nickname.

"What now?" I narrowed my eyes at her as she whispered something in Nate's ear and he gave her a thumbs up. The mischievous glint in their eyes made it clear that an ally is forming against me.

Time to run.

I backed a few step but Vi interrupted me.

"Can I get a piggy back?" she said in sing song voice.

Like breaking my back was not enough.

"No." I declined sternly. She pouted and batted her eyelashes innocently doing big puppy dog eyes. Damn she is good at this.

Nate had his fist stuffed over his mouth to stop himself from cracking. The idiot was enjoying it way more than my liking. He noticed my glare on him and winked at me mouthing 'Payback is a bitch.'

Okay first of all, I didn't even do anything!

It all started this morning. Vi, Mia and I were on a casual stroll. Mia was to leave for New York in a few hours so it was our way to spend some time together and as destined, an army of privacy invaders came for us. They were clicking us and asking stupid questions. Of course Vi wasn't used to this and was horribly uncomfortable seeing that they were practically trying to take revenge for the last time. I jumped in her defence. I knew that the pap was trying to get a reaction out of me and I would have given it to him if Mia didn't came between pap and my fist. Yeah I nearly punched Mia. We had to abruptly halt our stroll as Vi and Mia were pissed beyond limit's on me for acting on impulse while I was mad at the good for nothing stalkers.

Mia didn't talk to me after that as I almost punched her and left ultimately, fuming. I did try to make it up to her but let me tell you, pissed off Mia is scarier than scariest sharks.

This ticked me off even more and I snapped on Vi when she tried to knock some sense in my brain. She was quite upset at that and I apologized that's when she pointed out that I was channelling the built up irritation due to constant stalking, towards people I care. I knew she was right and sighed helplessly. I knew I could do nothing about that.

At least that's what I thought.

Vi however had another plans to channel my irritation and she called her- 'Playing the pap'. She handed me one of Nate's camera, I furrowed my eyebrows at this but she just gave me a mischievous smile.

A couple of hours later all her mischief was turned into irritation and my irritation was turned into mischief. This seriously worked to channel my anger!

For whole 2-3 hours, I was playing pap on Vi. Initially Vi was enjoying it but then she grew irritated as I was following her everywhere and clicked her every movement, practically shoving camera in her face. I swear I would have clicked at least a million of shots by now. Kidding...not.

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