Chapter 25

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Jason's POV

To say I am happy will be the understatement of millennium, I WAS FREAKING ON CLOUD 9!!

Somehow I and VI managed to sneak out of studio, ditching Nate despite Vi being against it. We didn't plan to do anything out of league, just walking around the city and catching up for past 2 decades...I mean months!

"...and you know then we all picked our dirty laundries and threw them at Nate. The look on his face was priceless."

Vi laughed clutching her stomach and I grinned at this. She involuntarily clutched my jacket to catch breath. I looked at her hand and then her. She must have noticed it as she awkwardly removed her hand. Before I could say anything, a group of girls came out of nowhere and they were chanting my name. I noticed a few papz too. I turned my head to face Vi but she was not there. Instead of her there were Blakers.

She must have been pushed away.

I turned my head frantically to catch a glimpse of her but I myself was getting pushed. My phone vibrated in my hand and relief washed over me as it was a text from Vi.

Stop looking for me dumbass! I am good. Give your Blakers the moment of their life. I will be at the park bench. Ok?

I grinned.

"Ok my crazy army! Come one by one for a pic." I announced.


I jogged down to the park bench where Vi told me to come. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked everywhere to find that familiar face.

"Hey you're just lucky!" I halted and turned back. There she was playing stepoo with some kids. I smiled at that. It was kind of funny yet cute as to how she was getting competitive with kids.

"Uh-huh Autumn! It's not luck it's skill." I beamed and slowly walked to stand beside the tree they were playing at. I was away from Vi's sight and hence kept watching her in amusement.

The little girl narrowed her eyes at Vi and placed her hands at her waist for extra effect. Vi tried to stand her ground but huffed and caved in.

"Fine! I will do it again." She picked the pebble out of girl's hand and went to start of the ladder. With a little swing, she threw it and it landed on some block that apparently was the target (Vi's crazy hippie dance and Autumn's eye roll proves it.)

"You still have to hop your way back, Ms Skill!"

Vi gave her a smug smile and ruffled her hair before lifting her one foot up and beginning to hop on another one, using her arms to balance her. I narrowed my eyes at a stray pebble in Vi's track but before I could act, her sneakers covered it and she tripped.

I have never been more grateful for my fast reflexes. I caught her before she could fall. Her eyes were closed, probably waiting for her body to take impact of fall. Her hands clutched my jacket for support and my arms were wrapped around her waist. She slowly opened her eyes and blushed furiously as she noticed our position. I could feel her hitched breaths on my face and that's how close we were ladies and gentleman!

My attention snapped from her as I heard little kids coo and dare ask me what they were cooing-"Kiss her!"

I awkwardly let go of her and we both cleared our throat, blushing like beetroots.

"Kids these days." Vi grumbled and I couldn't help but laugh. She glared at me for a few seconds but started laughing too.

We waved the kids goodbye- who because of my hood didn't notice me. Soon we were at one of those vans that serve food... what do they call them? Ugh! Hey don't judge me! I tend to forget stupid things with this girl!

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