Chapter 16

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Violet's POV

Hours of crying somewhat lightened the weight I carried my whole life but in reality it was not crying that made me feel better it was crying in right arms that did it. We cried and cried until we ran out of tears. Yes, Jason was crying with me too. I have never seen him this vulnerable. Ever. He was always the epitome of strength for me but I forgot that he is human too and he has feelings too. I never really considered the idea of him being sensitive behind the strong façade and this made me feel terrible as a person.

"Violet." His husky voice broke my chain of thoughts and I mindlessly hummed in response.


He turned on his sides to face me while I was still lying by his side on grass, beholding the beautiful night sky.

"You remember when we first met?"

"Do you think I can forget?"

"Point. When I... I... you know..." I finally turned on my side to face him and jerked my head up as a prompt to continue. He sighed and closed his eyes for split second but continued anyways.

"You were a mystery to me since the moment I saw you. Your eyes, they had something that I still can't get used to. The moment our gazes locked, I knew you will be a huge part of my life but I was scared coz I knew that we will last a few minutes on stage and then maybe we will never meet. That was the moment I wished something."

It was too to absorb at the moment. He remembered it so well, he even felt this way for me. I never expected this. I wanted to say something but my voice was nowhere to be found so I took this moment as an opportunity to let everything sink in.

The sincerity in his eyes was overwhelming. My heart swelled with warmth and goose-bumps embraced my body. My breath was stuck in my throat and for a moment I wondered if he knew about the effect he had on me or if he felt the same way around me. But it was almost impossible to expect a positive answer. I pushed the thought in darkest corner of my mind and finally after moments of silence, I spoke up.

"What did you wish?"

"I wished you to be like these stars in my life. They maybe distant but they are always there to comfort me. I wished that you don't end up like a shooting star who will grant me a wish and then will disappear. I wished for us to be in this journey together even with the distance. I never wanted to lose you. I never wanted you to leave me. I hope that explains why I remember everything about that night. You were always special to me but the fear made me let you go and see where are we now, lying next to each other after a year. Destiny definitely has its ways."

He paused and sighed closing his eyes again. My heart stopped functioning when he opened them and looked straight into my eyes with intensity that warmed my insides.

"And when I look in these eyes now, I still wish that."

I was spell bound. I officially ran out of words. This was the sweetest thing I have ever heard in my life and not to mention it came from the person who means more than anything to me. The sincerity that sparkled in his hazel orbs was a true testament of his honesty. Unable to think of words to explain my feeling, I took his hand in mine.

Action speak louder than words. I have heard this a lot but this was the correct time to show it. I unbuckled his gold bracelet and passed its one end through mine. The look on his face met my expectation- confused but my features were embraced by a smile. I buckled his bracelet again and rose our hand towards sky. As intended, our bracelets were interlocked and so were our hands. His eyes immediately brightened with realisation and happiness and he bit his lips.

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